Toño Mauri was in a coma four months ago by covid-19

City of Mexico.

El actor Toño Mauri finally hospital ward to finish his recovery from home, after being taken to a hospital pulmonary double transplant surgery the finals of the past year.

“I thought I was going to the hospital and that I had to go back to my house, but I was surprised that I was not there. The virus directly attacks my pulmonary, the most common day, yet it cannot breathe.

“The only hope I can get is a pulp transplant”, dijo Toño Mauri in an interview with program Despierta America, to ensure that even the months that he is hospitalized, cuatro los pasó en koma.

The former empress also joined in June of this year, although he had a positive attitude towards Covid-19, the one who is aggravated and emphatic has tener problems to breathe.

“The first thing I thought was in my house, in Carla and in my family. And I told the doctor I’m importing what I’ve been trying to do. I’ve not agreed with anything, you’ve been desperate for coma,” Mauri.

The doctors said the day would be followed by a double pulmonary transplant surgery, which was performed in Gainesville, Florida. Pese to suffer an internal hemorrhage during the procedure, logró salir adelante.

“God forbid. I always say, ‘God forbid, lady, I do not sleep and accompany myself.’

Carla (su esposa) me platicó que tuve una internal hemorrhagia, que le hablaron y le dijeron que no iba a pasar la noche. And on the other hand, it is important to note that you do not know what you are doing, as long as you are normal “.

Mauri since his recovery will be paulatina, he may not be able to walk and again he will undergo rehabilitation of the tracheotomy that the hiccup has in order to breathe.
