Toño Centella confirms that regresso con su paareja, pero ella lo niega (VIDEO) zaperokito | romance | reconciliation | ampay | unbelievers | Magaly Medina | SPECTACULOS

‘N Pesar que Toño Centella fue ‘ampayado’ días atrás con su aún esposa full reconciliation in a hostel in the district of Comas, his wife Johana Rodríguez said she had resumed her relationship with the singer.

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It seems that the same Toño Centella confirmed that he resumed his relationship with Johana Rodríguez. Nonetheless, she descended into her social speeches that she wanted with her husband; e inclusive refirió que n tiene pensado regresar con su ex.

In the program of Magaly TV La Firme, la conductora Magaly Medina le dijo al artista que no sea masoquista. “He who’s pretty masochistic, because when he’s a woman he’s negating all the idioms publicly, he knows that all our ladies know that he has something, then she’s black”, dijo la periodista.

And that in his social speeches, the speech of Toño Centella responds to his followers that the question about his reconciliation with the chicant, but she the nego.

“For nothing, only we have a very good relationship, quizás muchos no lo vean así; but we would like our very own very well ”, aseveró.

“I have no choice but to say, ‘I do not know,’ he is the version of them. I’m not a media person to be alone on television, giving explanations and tampoco connection because my life is getting worse. What people think is what they want”, Agregó Johana Rodríguez.

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“Ampay” to Toño Centella

Without embarrassment, they say, the singer Toño Centella has decided to confirm that his relationship with his partner Johana Rodríguez has been resumed and he has dedicated a song to Magaly Medina.

A video that is published and once reproduced the social collaboration is an interpretation of a theme that allows the reference to a reconciliation with ‘ampay’ ‘Magaly TV, la firme’.

Aquel hotel gee my geen ampayaron nie, en las paredes se quedó nuestros rostros de amor (…) Porque ella ya volvió, brindaremos con cerveza por la reconciliación”, Dice part of the letter that composes Toño Centella to record the day of his ‘ampay’.


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