Tomi Lahren: Maxine Waters ‘wants a race war’; must be expelled from Congress for ‘dangerous’ incitement

In Monday’s issue of ‘Final Thoughts’ on Fox Nation, Tomi Lahren rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Hailed as a ‘dangerous’ ideologue who endorses criminal behavior while remaining unpunished in Congress and on social media.

Lahren said the 82-year-old lawmaker and chair of the Los Angeles Financial Services Committee ” proudly, publicly and unapologetically incited riots, violence, lawlessness and thuggery – and her party, the mainstream media, collective leftists and big tech henchmen see nothing wrong with that. ‘

She said Waters is one of many left-wing lawmakers seeking to encourage public unrest as it divides the United States across racial and socio-economic boundaries to increase government control over a broken population.

Lahren noted that in the immediate aftermath of Waters to Brooklyn Center, Minn.


“I hope we get a verdict that says guilty, guilty, guilty,” Waters said. “And if we do not do that, we can not leave. We must stay on the streets. We must become more active, we must become more confrontational.”

Lahren pointed out that Waters had crossed state lines to incite public unrest and, reluctantly as legislator, told the public to ignore laws.

“And the Democrats want to talk on January 6 about the so-called ‘conservative’ uprising at the Capitol?” Lahren asks.

During the Floyd-Chauvin trial on Monday, Chauvin’s defense attorney, Eric Nelson, himself reprimanded Waters’ comments, saying the jurors had to be sequestered for not hearing such things.

“I just do not know how this jury can really be … that they are free from the scourge of this,” he told Judge Peter Cahill. “Now that our U.S. representatives are threatening acts of this particular case. It’s surprising,” Nelson said.

Cahill briefly stated that Waters’ comments were “appalling” and that it could help Officer Chauvin’s team if a legal appeal was needed.

Lahren noted that Big Tech, like Facebook and Twitter, has censored and banned people because they ‘do much less; much less say ‘, while Waters maintains accounts on both platforms.

“You see no reason to do the same to Mad Maxine who is literally in the midst of the chaos on the ground and explicitly inciting people to be disobedient and more confrontational,” she said. “How the hell do you justify it? Where are your terms of service, your community standards and your algorithms now? Unbelievable.”

Lahren said Waters has a history of encouraging the public to engage in riotous behavior, pointing to a 2018 snippet from Waters that tells a crowd that they should confront Trump administration staff if they see them at restaurants or gas stations recognize.

“You go out and you create a crowd!” Water was bleeding. “And you tell them they’re not welcome – more, everywhere.”

“This bad woman should not be in Congress and should be honestly investigated in my opinion because she incites violence and disturbs peace.”

Lahren further noted that while Waters is appealing to the public to act restlessly and uncomfortably, she called for rep in the same week. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, reprimanded for ‘keeping your mouth shut’ because he was tense back and forth with Biden medical adviser Dr Anthony Fauci during a trial.

Jordan became irritated when Fauci could not specifically respond to a question about the empirical threshold to revoke coronavirus-related social restrictions.

When committee chairman Jim Clyburn, DS.C., began interfering in the Jordan-Fauci exchange, Waters called on Jordan to stop talking.

In closing, Lahren noted that while representing a crime-ridden and impoverished portion of southern LA, Waters lives in a fraudulent mansion outside her district boundaries.


“Most, if not all, leading Democrats hold on to lawlessness or remain deafeningly silent as our streets and cities burn to the ground,” she said.

“And why? Because it’s all part of their plan too … The ruling class Leftists – the prominent Democrats like Mad Maxine, AOC and others – want a race war in this country: They want to divide us by race, by political party, according to class and see how we fight and break each other down. ‘

“I believe they want it to get so bad and so lawless so they can set themselves and the federal government in taking more control and taking more of our rights. The COVID violations were just a trial run,” and they have proven that many Americans are willing to give up their rights and freedoms for the faint promise that the government will take care of them. ‘

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Fox News’ Danielle Wallace contributed to this report.
