Tom Hanks cries that the Chinese sobrevivirán thanks to the Marvel movies and other great stories

Among the many changes that have provoked the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 are the heck out of which many of the movies programmed for this year have gone back and forth directly to streaming services, which have increased in popularity in the media. It’s hoped that the future of movie theaters will be a bit crowded, but Tom Hanks creates that Marvel movies and other super productions will save the traditional business.

In a recent interview with Collider, the protagonist of Forrest Gump and Salvar on Soldier Ryan explained that, although the cambio has a hybrid model of salads and streaming, it seems like something unavoidable, there is much to be said for salads when they are obsolete , ya que aún hay grande franquicias capaces de hacerlas sobrevivir.

“In all modes, a radical change will be hoped for. Tenía que llegar”, says Hanks. “Sobriviran the movie theaters? Absolutely, the haran. By some way, creo the exhibitors, a time that vuelvan to open the theaters, choose what movies to project. And the movies of big governing events are in the movies” , añadió.

Hanks continues to explain that “News of the New World (its proximity to estreno) will be the ultimate movie for adults about people who say interesting things that are projected on big pants. Because despuise, to guarantee that the people flee to the Chinese, we marer the Universe Marvel and all types of great franchises “.

So I want to say that, in the opinion of the veteran actor, there will be cinematographic universes, interconnected movies and great stories, which will reflect the world and how we know it this year. For supuesto, it always works for more small and independent productions, but in a way that is inevitable, its future is streaming.

Ultimately, Hanks underlined that people always prefer to watch the movies “in large pants, because they leave in the sofa of their home can reduce any visual impact. But the radical change that has made COVID-19 a train slow that is approximate “.

“I believe that there is a large amount of movies that will only be streamed in streaming, and I believe that this kind of reality show is being built and produced for the latest technology television in our homes,” the actor said.
