Tom Brady’s note card sold at record price

New is a new card from Tom Brady which has surpassed the highest sales record in history among those football collectibles.

An edition 2000 Rookie tickets for the play-off champion autographed by Brady, and sold as number 99 in a production of 100 cards of the style, is worth 2.25 million dollars this year, según report.

“I did not understand the price, but I was certainly surprised. If the market is a busy coast, especially with rare and unstoppable maps like this, but not for the foreseeable, dijo Mike Heffner and Tom VanHaaren, de ESPN. “There are indications of the return of other cards in the last month, certainly a possibility, but these modern cards are real”, said the President of Lelands, the housing fund.

The first entry for 75,000 dollars and ascended with the 67 pujas presented.

In February a card from Patrick Mahomes surpassed the highest price of excise on a football ticket. It sold for 861,000 dollars. One of Brady’s sold in March for $ 1.32 million. This card was from the same series of things that were recently sold.

“Given the indisputable status of Brady as the best of all time in football, this card is an important piece in the history and of any collection, and I am incredibly excited to be the owner of one of the 100 best cards of the year. Brady ”, dijo James Park, seller of the ticket in March.

Brady has just won his Super Bowl season and led New England’s Vince Lombardi, his team for 20 years, as he and only Peyton Manning (Colts, Broncos) did in the NFL.

Baseball cards, the most valuable

In the sports ticket industry, Tom Brady took up a new position at the last minute. But it is not at the center of the mountain of the most important part of history.

A card from 1952 of Mickey Mantle sold for $ 5.2 million this year. It is created that only copies of this card exist.

A new card from Mike Trout, owned by the Angels’ patrol, went down in August 2020 for $ 3.94 million. At the moment the figure is a record.
