Toluca vs. Pumas 1-0; Diablo y el VAR metieron la cola

Nemesio Diez Stadium, Toluca /

El VAR y el Diablo metieron la cola en el Nemesio Diez. With a polemical arbitration, a goal scored by Pumas and a tantrum in the last minutes, Toluca took the lead in the 1-0 draw at the Universidad, giving the referees, one more time, a protagonist.

A lot in the last minutes of the encounter in a game built by Rubens Sambueza and terminada by Pedro Alexis Canelo, the three points to a choricero joint, with the figures read to the top of the classification.


Los Pumas se habían puesto adelante en el segundo tiempo, with a good goal produced by Favio Álvarez for Juan Pablo Vigón, who defined himself as a marker in the area.

The goal has been validated by Luis Enrique Santander, the central arbiter, as for the assistant; pero el silbante recibió una llamada desde el VAR, fue a revisar la jugada y detecté que Emanuel Montejano, “estorbó” en fuera de lugar al Dedos López, y por eso, el laterale del Toluca, geen alcanzó a tapar a Vigón.

The offside was validated, with everything and that Montejano for no part of the game, without embarrassment, the silversmiths will find elements to consider that the star of the canine is enough to cancel the goal.

Demasiado castigo para unos Pumas que siguen sin encontrar el rumbo after a Guard1anes 2020 in the play to the Final, while Toluca, of the man of Christ, see if you can find the llamas to make the arder.
