Tokyo woman, the only person to win the court case against Japan’s public broadcaster, said she should pay

Recent verdict tilt wen in beacon case.

Nothing is more annoying to those living in Japan than opening the door just to have a license fee collector for NHK, the Japanese public broadcaster. NHK license fee collectors are known for their perseverance and sometimes brutal tactics. In fact, many people have come up with various ways to avoid coughing up the technically required fees, which up to 24,800 yen per year (US $ 233.57).

Some individuals have even gone so far as to dispute the costs of the broadcasting organization through the court. There are not too many success stories, but for the first time ever, one woman from Tokyo was able to avoid paying the de facto mandatory fees in the summer of 2020. While the court initially definitely in her favor and the case is considered an important victory against NHK’s achievement on 24 February The Supreme Court of Tokyo has overturned the decision on the landmark.

▼ There’s all my extra cash for Famichikis …

The reason? Originally, the argument that won the case of the woman emphasized how the television has a pre-installed signal blocker and a private citizen can not be expected to inherently know how to remove one. However, the new ruling states that the television woman’s television is technically a signal amplifier installed with the right tools. In essence, as long as the electronic device can do it receive or can be amended to receive a broadcast signal, then it’s an honest game for NHK when it comes to collecting fees from people.

▼ Do not open the door for the NHK license money collector with your smartphone in hand, as some fee collectors may insist that your smartphone count for fee collection!

▼ And, of course, the leader of the party, to learn how not to pay the NHK reception money, walked in and said that the recent reversal “was, above all, proof that the Japanese legal system was rotten.”

Meanwhile, the lawyer of the Tokyo woman reported that they are planning file an appeal. Although it is still too early to say what the ultimate outcome of this extraordinary case will be, it will hopefully go out for the woman concerned, as even the recent downgrade of the NHK tariff is stingy at best.

Source: Jiji via Livedoor News via Jin
Top image: Pakutaso
Place images: Pakutaso (1, 2)
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