Toddler survives falling from the balcony from the 12th story, thanks to ‘hero’ delivery manager

A delivery driver in Vietnam is called a hero after miraculously catching a toddler who fell from a balcony on the 12th floor.

Nguyen Ngoc Manh, 31, was sitting with his truck waiting to deliver a package Sunday in a high-rise complex in Hanoi when he heard a child crying and a woman screaming above. He told the Anninhthudo news organization, according to the Evening Standard, that he initially wiped out the commotion as just a child having a tantrum.

But when Manh notices that people on the street are panicking and shouting, he rolls through his window and looks up. To his dismay, he sees a 164-foot-tall girl hanging in the air, reports UN Express International.

The heartbreaking moment was captured on video and shared on social media.

Manh, himself a father, immediately jumped out of his truck. When he tries to determine where the girl may land, he climbs on a 6-foot wall between the place where he was stopped and the apartment complex.

“I scaled down the wall and saw that she could fall on the metal roof of the house that was used to store electrical generators for the complex, so I tried to climb on it,” Manh told UN Express. “I made it, but could not stand it because the roof was crooked.”

When the girl lost her grip on the balcony railing and fell, Manh slipped. But he threw himself forward and, astonishingly, caught the toddler.

She did not cry, he said, but blood dripped from her mouth.

“She looked so much like my child at home. I was so confused and could only say to her, ‘Please, I’m here now,’ ‘Manh told UN Express International.

The girl was taken to a hospital, where doctors treated her for a dislocated hip, but said she had no other injuries. Manh braided his arm.

Many on social media praised Manh as a hero, but he told UN Express he did not care about the label. He said he just ‘wants to do good’.

He told Anninhthudo that he had no consolation in his life-saving effort until he returned to his own daughter, who is about the same age as the girl he rescued, according to the Evening Standard.
