Today’s free Epic game is for terrible Flight Simulator pilots

We’re all amazed at the wonder of Microsoft Flight Simulator over the past year, but one of the intrusive thoughts that frequently pops up while driving a massive passenger plane over the sea is, “what happens if everything goes wrong?” No wonder, because today’s free computer game from the Epic Games Store is Stranded Deep.

Stranded Deep is a survival game that starts with a plane crashing in the Pacific Ocean. This is bad news for you, who as a passenger presumably hoped to depart somewhere on dry land, ideally at an airport. Instead, you must climb into a life raft, fend off sharks, and eventually head to a deserted island. Here you have plenty to do while waiting for rescue: build a shelter, explore the surrounding areas, build gyrocopters and take the fight back to the troublesome sea creatures that made it difficult for you in the past.

Stranded Deep has been available on Steam in Early Access since 2015, where it achieved a solid ‘Most Positive’ rating rating. Now it’s here at the Epic Games Store, and you can jump into the Early Access building for free for the next 24 hours.

Here is the trailer:

YouTube thumbnail

Developer Beam Team Games says it expects to release Stranded Deep from early access within the next 12 months, and you can expect to see regular monthly updates from now until the final release date. Once it leaves early access, the price will rise to ‘reflect the additional content added during development.’

Go to Epic to claim your free copy of Stranded Deep. The gift wrap on tomorrow’s Mystery Game contains a creepy three – fingered hand, which is the only idea that will be the next gift.
