Today I learned that you can turn off the pop-up of Reddit’s unpleasant app installation with a simple tick

My preferred way to browse Reddit is through the mobile site. It lets me quickly check out some of my favorite subreddits to see what posts are bubbling up. Since I am usually not logged in, it also helps me to manage my screen time; you can only scroll down in comment threads until Reddit asks you to enter your username and password. I take this as a sign that I have rolled far enough and go further.

However, I have one major complaint with the mobile site: it constantly holds a large banner in my face indicating that I should abandon it all and rather install the app. Here’s a picture of the banner from my phone, which you may have seen:

No, I do not want to see the page in the app, thanks.

Usually I just close the request to make it disappear, but sooner or later it reappears, and I have to close it again and again and again. The cycle never ends – or so I thought.

Today, thanks to Android Police, I learned that I can disable the popup forever. It’s actually very easy to turn off:

  • Tap the redline / hamburger menu at the top right of the screen on the Reddit mobile website
  • You will be shown a number of options. Tap “Settings” at the bottom.
  • Check the box next to ‘Ask to open in the app’. That’s it!

Uncheck the “Ask to open in app” option to ban the banner.

This is not a new solution – TNW already wrote about it in November 2018 – and if you delete your browsing history or go to Reddit in incognito mode, you’ll need to turn off the appointment again. But thanks to this simple customization, my mobile Reddit browsing experience has already changed for the better. I hope it can be for you too.
