todas las claves par empezar a hacerlo de effafa forma y una rutina con la que comenzar

The oath affects our corporate composition and is one of the factors that play a role in the appearance of illnesses or risk factors such as sarcopenia or osteoporosis.

Physical ownership is the best preventive medicine in this article we are some of the key players who need to train, they are 50 or more years old. Nunca es tarde, así que animo.

In shape in 2021 starting from near: will be able to train at home

What is the most recommended physical exercise for major adults?

One of the lacrosse majorities of humanity is sedentarism, the cual offer the perfect cultivation pot for the proliferation of all types of diseases, but about all the metabolic and degenerative characteristics. If we add the factor of oath, with the loss of capacities that conveys, it is the ultimate stage of life with more sedentary and contemplative life.

For major adults, the physical exercise recommendations in general terms do not differ much from the recommendations in other public groups. What can be differentiated is the dose of this physical exercise.

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El American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association recommended:

  • A minimum of five days a week from moderate aerobic exercise of 30 minutes duration or a minimum of three days of vigorous intensity of 20 minutes duration.
  • A minimum of days in the week of training force planned correctly included from 8 to 10 repetitions between 10 and 15 repetitions on a percibido percibido scale (RPE) of between 5 and 8.

On a scale from 0 to 10, a moderate intensity series of 5-6 and a vigorous intensity series of 7-8.

A routine to train and train

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rpe (esfuerzo)


sentadilla cup




at least 1’30 “

femoral curls




at least 1’30 “

flexion about barra




at least 1’30 “

remo en polea baja




at least 1’30 “

If we base ourselves on the general previous recommendations we propose that there be a rank of repetitions of between 10 and 15 repetitions, although our dilatations will have 8-15 debits and other revisions that he has about the same theme and proposes more short cuts of repeaters.

Move on to a rank close to the 8 repetitions in response to the need for give an estimate of the type II muscle fibers that are the most functional pierden with the passage of the years. I do not want to decide to train around the 15 repetitions or including some more is incorrect. We simply comment on the results of other authors.

The ideal series will accomplish this routine at least twice a week, even if the person is getting acquainted with three or more quarters. In view of aerobic exercise, we will be able to carry out activities in the days when the force enters how to get fast or correct if the person has no molestias, nadar, andar en bicicleta, remar, bailar incluso rodar en la elliptica. A good form of empezar son 30 minutes three days a week.

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We note, moreover, that the RPE is a system of evaluation of the effort, applicable to any sport. Consists of a scale that goes from one to another and that is closely related to the possible repetitions that the person knows that it is capable of realizing a definite endurance as if it were a series.

In this way, an effort of 7 on the equivalent RPE scale to end a series with a certain weight and repetitions meant that had been done three more repetitions. If we have an RPE of 10, we have not done more than one rehearsal.

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