to help mid-vacancies reduce exposure to covid-19

(CNN) – The mid-range vacancies in airplanes can significantly reduce the risk of coronavirus exposure, suggest a new study.

The risk of exposure to the virus can be reduced between 23% and 57% in airplanes containing one of the passages in which mid-level vacancies are compared to full occupancy, according to a study published by these centers in the Centers. for the Control and Prevention of Injuries of EE.UU. (CDC, por sus siglas en Engels).

Investigators from the CDC and the State University of Kansas use laboratory models to simulate how much they can reduce exposure to covid-19 particles when mid-range airplanes are on empty spaces.

The models are based on bacteriophage aerosol propagation used as a substitute for estimating coronavirus aerial propagation. Bacteriophages are viruses that can infect bacteria. The analysis does not mediate the impact of using cubrebocas, which is currently required in the flights, but investigators report that a passenger with an infectious disease –– including using a mask–– can emit some gothic, if the distance is .

The covid-19 exhibition depends on how passengers of the haya planes

Suggested models that, with mid-range vacancies, reduce the risk of oscillating exposure by up to 23% —when a single passenger is sitting in the same lane as a passenger with an infected distance to distance assistants — to one 57% when mantuvieron the mid-vacation vacations in a section of 3 lanes with passengers with covid-19 and others.

“When infected passengers were retrieved, the haberdas occupied the midwives, leaving six passengers infected with a total of 12 passengers who were waiting for the windows and the passers-by to reduce the number of passengers.” of 57% », the researchers write in their study.

In the general “it is important to recognize that the current study only deals with the exhibition and the transmission”, the investigators write. A further investigation is needed to determine the risk of the virus being transmitted and causing an infestation.

Update for travelers

According to the principles of this month, the CDC will say that the full-time vacancies can travel with a lot of risk to them. Without embarrassment, it is not recommended that the debt of coronavirus cases be reduced.

The agency says that, there are many precautions against the coronavirus, including the use of mascarillas, the completely vacant persons can travel through the United States without having to try covid-19 antes and without pessimism.

Due to the international routes, the people completely vacated do not need a covid-19 before traveling, less than the destination requires. Tampoco necesitan ponerse en quarentena despuise de regresar a Estados Unidos. Without embarrassment, it should be compared with a negative test of covid-19 antes to abort the vulture of regression.

The CDC considers that a person is completely vaccinated the weeks after receiving the ultimate dose required of the vaccine. The updated guide does not apply to people in vacancies. The CDC agrees that any person who has not been completely evacuated will continue to travel.

All stadiums, Independently of the state of evacuation, deben use cubrebocas and maintain other public health medii as the social distance and the lavado frencuente de manos, indican los CDC.
