To consult a future plan, is dietary diet more important?

A zone especially rebelled

In his opinion, for that matter, both factors are important. “So much diet as owning its fundamentals to be able to follow a future plan. Quiza the priority is the diet that our haga loses grass in general and also focuses focused on the abdomen. If only he had the first, we would lose weight, but not the abdominal level, ”says the doctor.

And it’s not we can olvidar that the abdomen is a zone of the corpse donde more tendency hooi to the accumulation of grass, both in men as in women, especially with the legacy of the menopause. “In the abdomen there are many types of grass, some of them are very old, they are very adherent to the abdomen, because they can be eliminated only by diet. If cardio and abdominal exercise are performed while dieting, it will be considered that the most ancient and profound types of grass are found in the abdomen, so it will be more difficult to eliminate them, ”said the doctor.
