Tito Rojas: “Soy un gallo para la historia” | Scenario

“I am aware that I have a gall for history”, as of October 2019 a THE VOCERO the song Tito Rojas, which remains will be exhibited in the Coliseo Marcelo Trujillo Panisse, in his native Humacao, possibly from the beginning of the year.

Julio César Rojas López, his number one year ago, reportedly passed away on December 26, at age 65, at the residence of one of the first residents of this municipality.

The body of Rojas debía will be collected later on at the funeral of the Institute of Scientific Forces. The velocity of the velatorio will be determined hoy, in a meeting that the municipality will meet in the month with the family of the lame Gallo salsero.

“The velorio will be open to the public, with the physical distance and restrictions of the Covid-19. The public will enter and leave, they will not be able to enter (in the college). Hasta ahora hablamos eso, veremos si eso es lo que quiere la familia ”, communiqué Daphne D. Flores, asesora de communicaciones del alkacadeño Luis Raúl Sánchez Hernández, quien decreto cinco días de duel que concluer este mércoles.

For another lad, agreeing to his promoter and friend for over three decades, Angel Ilarraza, Tito was a cardiac patient and his husband was suffering from this health condition.

“She was coming to see her mom at the Tejas bar. “In the same way as the first ones, in the house of them, they were tempted to feel bad and when they went out on the balcony they went out”, explained THE VOCERO.

Cabe mentions that on December 24th Tito will train on his YouTube channel the special channel Canta Gallo, canta in Navidad, interpreting themes from his disco 20 years ago titled Precisely Canta Gallo, canta.

About your comrades

The artist is 48 years old and has a career as an artist Ilarraza, commencing professionally in music until the age of 17.

“Empezó with Pedro Conga and the International Orchestra, with each one grabbing his first disco. I was spotted with Justo Betancourt and El Borjuba. When Justo went to New York, Tito joined the band and formed the Borincano Conjunct. This is what happened to Puerto Rican Power as a soloist with Musical Production — as between 1991 and 1992 — until 2008 when it became independent, which formed the TR Records cell, ”the promoter said.

The most recent theme grabbed by Rojas fue El pasito tun tun, junto a los Billo’s Caracas Boys, que no llegó a escuchar en las radias ondas de Puerto Rico. Preview a este hizo Por la calle del medio, junto a Gilberto Santa Rosa para el disco de este, titulado Colegas.

In his words

In August 2015, Tito worked with THE VOCERO about his artistic and musical evolution, he attributes it to his tenacity in the good and the bad.

“As far as total evolution is concerned, I will be persevering in this career, I will not give up, I will not rush to torment and without condition I will keep working”, he points out.

Asimismo, afirmó que no cambiaría nada de su vid ni ni quarera porque “yo quería esto y me tocó. While accepting things like his, some of them have a change of pace or change their mind so gall and so I have company. I’m more maddened musically, even though it’s natural, that it’s natural because he’s 60 years old ”.

Four years later, in October 2019, he responded to this diary as if he wanted to reconnect with the history of salsa, then he would like to launch the discographic production A Gallo for History (nominated for Latin Grammy 2020).

“No me echo de nada, tienes que preguntarle a la gente, a los idolos, a Marc Anthony, a India y te van a decir: ‘El Gallo es el Gallo’. To make a title you have to wear pants, you can make a title. I know I have a gall for the story, ”he said with his characteristic humor.

Rojas le sobreviven su esposa Ivelisse Escobar, sus hijas Jessica y Kisha, y sus nietos Briana, Julián y Amanda.
