Tiroteo in Indianapolis: Al minos ocho muertos y varios heridos en local de FedEx | News Univision Tiroteos

The tiroteo of these jewels at night in Indianapolis is on balance with deaths, heirlooms and an attacker who commits suicide. Investigators are looking at ‘premature speculation on the crime’, according to the FBI’s special agent in cargo, Paul Keenan, this morning in a press release.

The local police receive the opinion “fairly fast” through the initiation of the success. When it comes to the location of the hooks, FedEx installations in Indianapolis, you will find various people who have fallen, hereditary and attacking in the sole with a ball herida which was provoked by the same thing, Keenan indicated. El tiroteo ya había terminado.

The attacker, who has not been publicly identified, read to the scene of the crime in his vehicle, get together and start talking. I entered the FedEx edition “for a short time” and received it live.

The police found four of the missing persons within the edification and the other four of them. The agents have ‘an idea’ about who is the attacker, but preferring to speculate will not conclude his searches.

It is known to all that it is up to the attacker to perpetuate this massive tiroteo, for the moment it is clear that hubiera tenido una riña with some of the presents. Tampoco identified the victims and did not know the number of people involved in the incident.

Al minos cuatro heridos grafte

Antes, the official Genae Cook, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, verlaar ‘n periodistas that había’ multiple persons with lesions consistent with bala’s as a consequence of the disparos, and that ocha persons habían muerto.

The hereditary people were “transported to various hospitals in the area”. At least four of them presented heridas grafte. Other fueron attendidas en el lugar de los hechos y dadas de alta. No agent of the result was obtained.

The incident was reported at FedEx installations near the Indianapolis International Airport. The police receive notification of an active and disruptive activity in the area around 11:10 pm local time.

When it comes to lying around, the Order reports that there is a “massive victim situation” in FedEx installations

Testimonials of workers

Jeremiah Miller, a tracker who ended his turn on the local WISH-TV channel and his partner Timothy Boillat has 10 detonations.

“It’s me hizo levantarme y mirar hacia la puerta de entrada y vi a un hombre con una specie de subametralladora, un automatle rifle, y staba disparando al aire libre. dijo que intramrams in the car “, related Miller.

Boillat dijo que no vio que dispararan a unone pero que tras escuchar los disparos vio “un cuerpo en el suel, detrás de un vehicula”.

The edification is equipped with metal detectors and security tokens on its premises which require that the employees scan their FedEx credentials. by company standard, employees can not use their cell phones inside the installation.

Another man told WTTV that his sovereign was sitting in his car with the conductor’s assistant showing him the distractions, and the result was terrible.

“Le dispararon en el brazo izquierdo”, dijo Parminder Singh, quoted by the AP. “It’s fine, now it’s in the hospital”. Dijo que su sobrina no conocía al tirador.

The anguish of the families of employees

Agent Cook informed the persons that he had not been able to contact the relatives who worked at FedEx who were staying at a Holiday Inn Express located a mile away.

Follow a diary report The New York Times, looking for the 2:45 from the madrugada del viernes, the atmosphere in the hotel was gloomy. One 110 people desperately need to know about their families.

At 01:30 AM, FedEx will issue a statement to establish the “tragic tiroteo” in the Indianapolis facility.

“Security is our maximum priority and our thoughts are with all those affected. We are working to gather more information and are cooperating with investigative authorities,” the letter said.

The FedEx and Indianapolis installations represent a maximum of 4,500 members and are the second largest global red card of the company.

In March, an armed man killed four people, including a nineteen-year-old girl, in a California real estate office.

President Joe Biden’s announcement just a week ago a first package of mediates intended to reduce the violence violated by the fugitive’s arms, which has been classified as an “epidemic”.

In the meantime, Biden has issued a decree ordering the Department of Justice to issue 30 new rules governing the proliferation of fugitive arms without serial numbers made in artisanal form (known in English as ghost guns).

