Tiroteo in a church in Texas: the attacking assistant to the pastor

The pastor of the Starrville Methodist Church was assassinated during the attack
The pastor of the Starrville Methodist Church was assassinated during the attack

At least one person was killed and several more were injured in what became known as a Domestic Church in Texas. The shooter is the custodian of the security forces. The incident took place in la Iglesia Metodista Starville, in this state of Texas, said the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott. The fatal victim is the pastor of the Iglesia, who has not been identified.

“Our coronations are with the victims and the families of women who have died or have suffered in this terrible tragedy. Thanks to the security forces who detained him on suspicion ”, has indicated. “I trust the Texans to sum up Cecilia’s speeches and thank her for being affected by this horrible tiroteo. The state of Texas works closely with the emergency services and local authorities to ensure that it is fair and that the Starville community has the necessary resources at this time, ”he explained.

The Starrville Methodist Workers’ Medication Policy in Texas

In a recent post posted on Twitter, Abbott assured that “Texas will ensure that justice is done to the author of the disappearances.”

At the moment there is no knowledge of the habitation in the interior of the church, and no religious service is taking place when the tyrant is disrupted in the lie. Detailed detail The New York Times, the pastoral pastor faced the attacking antes of being assigned.

The shooter, as yet unidentified, was involved in an altercation with an armed forces and spared the previous night. Following the KLTV signal, a shooter was arrested and arrested for driving at all speeds.

The police coordinate the zone and evacuation to all that institute at the temple
The police coordinate the zone and evacuation to all that institute at the temple

Texas suffers from other similar incidents in the last few years. fue el peor tiroteo massive in the history of the state. The attacker, Devin Patrick Kelley, was found dead later.

The poorest islands in Texas are among the largest in the country.

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