Tired of sword users in Smash Ultimate? Sakurai says do not blame him

‘Like it or not, it’s not up to me or another swordsman to participate’

If you count both variants (a la Sheik and Zelda), Smash Ultimate Nounet found two more sword users with the addition of Pyra and Mythra.

It follows several other sword users in both Fighters Passes, including the most recent addition of Sephiroth. So what gives? Well, series father Masahiro Sakurai says you can not blame him!

Sakurai spoke to Washa Live (via Nintendo Everything) this week and said Smash Ultimate‘s DLC choices, but they also got a little tied by how much they could expand. Asked why there are so many swordsmen (a question he gets frequently), Sakurai explains in the midst of laughter: “Like it or not, it does not depend on me whether another swordsman goes into the game.”

When he is pushed again and says that the player base often groans when another sword user is announced, Sakurai follows up and notes: “Well, even if it’s another sword fighter, it’s going to be fine as long as we balance it properly. . ” He also says that swordsmen are ‘easy to implement’, especially compared to insanely complicated characters like Steve.

But beyond the quick overview, Sakurai says he can not really expand out there, and that if he goes a little further, [he] will get something from Nintendo. “A quick, it sounds like! Sakurai is very careful in what he says in such situations, but he has made it clear on several occasions that he is not the leader over whom to be elected.

Washa Live [YouTube via Nintendo Everything]
