It’s just that during the end-of-year celebrations we change our diet for some dishes or typical products from these stores. These foods may not be required if you are on a healthy diet and do not take care of yourself.
To David León Lizama, Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics at the Peru University of Technology (UTP), It is important to maintain a balance, homeostasis, in these end-of-year celebrations and to strengthen our organism consuming adequate foods.
“The tradition of chocolate, peanut butter and cider vinegar can be used to counteract indigestion and excessive calorie intake, if we do not take adequate care. We must choose one of them, opt for the salutable and take the portions to consume ”, assures David.
She shares some Recommendations that we can help you enjoy the typical types of these foods, without prejudice to our nutrition.
1. Fruits and Verduras
Its foods that are important, which increase the body’s defenses, thanks to its high content of vitamins and minerals.
2. Decrease saturated grass consumption
Presents in red carnations, embutidos and pastelillos navideños. It is preferable to choose vegetable grasses such as those that support the olive oil and the blue fish, thanks to its cardiovascular properties.
3. Support of proteins
White carnations, fish, eggs and protein of vegetable origin, legumes, dried fruits, must be consumed in adequate portions and that will help our humanitarian system.
4. Include hydrocarbons
Están offers in cereales, la pasta y el arroz aan. In addition to energy, fiber and improve intestinal transit, all products are not refined. Sondeverbod, debemos consumirlos con cordura para ne excederse en la ingesta de calorie.
5. Recalled foods
The ingestion of recalcitrant coma may be reduced to salvation, especially if it is treated with greasy and very condensed coma. It is implied that toxic organisms develop in the medium environment and become a hazard to health producing stomach aches and severe gastrointestinal intoxications. For this, it is recommended to be careful with the consumption of these foods
6. Geen olvidar la actividad física nie
Finally, physical activity will help us maintain a caloric balance. It is important that forms part of our style of life, more so from the allusive to avoid the sobriety.