Tilsa Lozano sends advice to Sofia Franco over controversy with Álvaro Paz de la Barra | nndc | SPECTACULOS

Through the controversial situation in which we live Sofia Franco to be denounced by his spouse, Álvaro Paz de la Barra, for domestic violence, various personalities of the national artistic medium were pronounced. The last one is here Tilsa Lozano, who agrees with the TV presenter.

In a recent interview with the diario Trome, the exintegrant of “Las Vengadoras” sent a message to the TV presenter and the patient who takes his breath to sobrellevar the difficult moment that he lives.

“Uff! It’s a very delicate theme, I believe that she has an abuse of authority, a disgrace on her part, exposing her in such a horrible way, psychologically violent, she believes that she must approve of this moment to begin therapy and be strong, by her.. También creo que debe denunciar y no quedarse callada. I believe that I approve of her disabilities for her users ”, just Lozano.

“… As long as you live with everything, you have a hive and the hives to motivate you to everything. If you have a lot of clarity, you can now say you need to be sad, if you do not know the things, you can feel alone and if you have to approve, then you need to be firm and strong, añadió.

As will be recalled, on March 25, all of the deadly notices opened their spaces with the news that the TV presenter, Sofia Franco, had intervened with the police in the case of his party for aggravated robbery.

According to the police force, Álvaro Paz de la Barra called a patrol serenade around the median lie that he was propelling a surprising manner to others of aggression. Both vehicles were transferred to the district commissioner and permanent detainees until the 26th of March.


Tula y Maju is pronounced on Sofía Franco’s detention

Tula and Maju are pronounced over the situation of Sofia franco
Tula and Maju are pronounced over the situation of Sofia franco
