TikTok | Let’s face it! Toda la verdad detrás del viral del ‘niño del Oxxo’ en México | MEXICO

There are some others who know that the video of ‘nixo del Oxxo‘s one of the most visited virals in the year 2021. Many users of TikTok and other social speeches he read more and could not see the curious gestures and reactions of the young cashier of the establishment to listen to the request of a client who is involved in the harassment.

With the passing of the pay slides in TikTok various grabs of encounters between the child and the subject that the child has preserved in the first clip. As you can imagine, these are popular volvieron in a santiamén.

Internet products, through which the images, empezaron a dudar de la authenticity de todo. Inclusive pusieron en ‘tela de juicio’ the video that había gave initiation to this furor.

A tiktoker is watching a viral video all the information that Google has learned about it

The time they gave the reason to them.


Recently, the youtuber Yulay shared on his channel a clip in which he interviewed his wife, called Elías Navarro, and the man of condones, Daniel Morales. This is the ultimate, because it is mentioned, it is a tiktoker that suele make videos in the oxen oxen of Tijuana, Mexico.

In the charla, both details that his friends from much time ago, and have content of this type in his free books. ‘Everything was totally an action, something planned, which only grabbed a time, cabe recalcar. Yes, we plan first for grabs, ”said Morales.

It is revealed, moreover, that the mother of Elijah is the one who works in the tithe and the one who manipulates the money of the caja.


