Tiger Woods: will be recovering from his accident – Other Sports – Sports

Tiger Woods is recovering from the car accident that caused the death at a Los Angeles clinic. The astro del golf fue trasladado el viernes des el Hospital Harbor-UCLA at the Cedars-Sinai Center, where the doctors are looking to find the fractures in their piercings. “The exit procedures will take place, Tiger will be better and we will be happy”, reads a statement published in the official profile of the sportswoman in Twitter.

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A cable from the AP recording agency is que Woods quedó herido de gravingad el martes, luego de la van Genesis 2021 in which it will shine in a suburbio costero of Los angeles.

The car invaded the opposite lanes and volcos varied times. As a result of the collisions, Woods suffers various fractures in the tibia and the perineum of his right shoulder. This obliges the doctors to put a varilla to stabilize the lesions. Además, Woods has tornillos and clavos in houses of the pie and tobillo that were also affected by the sinister. If all else fails, it is time to start playing golf, and everything depends on the safety systems of the car that will save the life.

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“Tiger is recovering and is in good health”

The doctor Jonathan D. Gelber is an orthopedic surgeon and writes the book “La espalda de Tiger Woods”. In a column for The Guardian’s diary, the specialist gives details about the deportista’s clinical (and professional) future.

“The most recent statement about Woods mentions the release of his muscles to release the pressure. Of all the possible lesions mentioned, this is the most rare, he mentioned the most grave. Apunta has a condition called laryngeal syndrome compartmental, which is a verdadera orthopedic emergence. To produce a hemorrhage or an incision in the pierna, the pressure can increase the capacity of the body to bombard the muscles of the pierna. As a result, the muscle can lose the sanguine flu and be able to die if the pressure is not released. This can require multiple incisions around the pier. “Once the down payment has been made, the skin can be turned on and off, while the hair can be removed,” Gelber anticipates.

El médico añadió: “El burgemeester problema para Woods can be the strength of its piernas. The high level athletes use all of them when competing. It is launching, boxing or balancing a golf ball, the generation of energy and impulse is key to obtaining optimal results. Woods has ten segments of his spinal vertebrae merged debited and repeated surgeries to eliminate material from broken discs. Once the parts of the column are merged, each page has its own rotation. And with the power swing of Woods, each grade counts. In the future, it tends to heal its bones, but also its muscles. It also tends to strengthen its muscles and restore the orchestral action that is powerful. swing the golf. It can take another year, including an arthroscopic operation on the rodilla, to prevent multiple fractures and compartmental syndrome.

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Regarding Woods’ regression to the links, Gelber opted for the cauldron: “It’s ready to go and play on golf professional“And he did not know that his lesions were a serious impediment to his ability to steal from the circuit, even though he was less than 40 years old and had other lesions that he would carry on his career”.

