Tiger Woods has a long, uncertain road ahead after the accident in California, says the emergency doctor

“He is still in the acute phase where they can still do a lot of work in the present, in moments, in the coming days,” said dr. Jeremy Faust, emergency physician Brigham and the women’s hospital in Boston, told CNN on Wednesday. . “It is unclear to me whether he will return to the operating room or not.”

The 45-year-old was driving PT in Rancho Palos Verdes, near Los Angeles, shortly after 7 a.m. Tuesday when his SUV crossed a median and drove over two lanes before hitting a curb, hitting a tree and up she landed the brush, Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva said Tuesday.

Woods sustained injuries to his leg that required a bar, screws, pins and a surgical release of the muscle cover – one that surgeons would presumably save his leg from amputation, Faust said.

Authorities say the incident was “merely an accident” but that they would have to pull the black box recorder out of the vehicle to determine it, Villanueva said. When he saw Woods in the hospital on Tuesday, the fifteen-time grand champion told investigators he did not think about the accident.

Just a month after his fifth back surgery in his career, the latest accident threatens his hopes of returning to the glory of golf.

Tiger Woods of the United States is looking for a hold on the second hole during the final round of the Masters at Augusta National Golf Club in 2020.

He has made comebacks before

Although fellow golf professionals have acknowledged that Woods’ health and that of his family are the most important things to consider at the moment, they are not counting him out either.

He’s done it before, Rory McIlroy said.

Famous from an early age, Woods became a professional at the age of 21 in 1996 and his talent and charisma transformed him into a global icon. He won a remarkable fourteen golf courses from 1997 to 2008 and looked like he had to walk past the record 18 times by Jack Nicklaus.

What exactly are Tiger Woods' injuries?  And what could that mean for his future?
But a series of injuries and personal problems have derailed his career. In 2009, a car accident outside his home in Florida led to harsh revelations about his illegal infidelity and the collapse of his marriage.

After an interruption of the sport, he returns to golf, but without the overwhelming dominance of earlier years. There was also an increasing list of injuries, which led to four back surgeries, including spinal fusion surgery, as well as the ‘dark times’ where the pain was so severe that he could not even get out of bed or play with his children. not.

The surgeries and pain led to an addiction to opioid painkillers, and he was arrested in 2017 on a DUI charge in Florida. He pleaded guilty to reckless driving as part of a program to prevent him from serving a prison sentence.
That low point made his return to the top of the sport in 2019 all the more amazing. At the Masters he took the lead and followed by roaring crowds, he achieved his first major victory since the US Open in 2008 in one of the great returns in sporting history.

World no. 2, John Rahm, said he hopes Woods can play golf and win more tournaments.

And that he would then be able to retire properly by boarding the iconic Swilcan Bridge in St. Andrew’s Golf Course in Scotland “and just being able to greet the game properly.”

Earlier this week, Woods said he hopes to compete in this year’s Masters.
A tow truck picks up the vehicle driven by golfer Tiger Woods in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, after a rollover accident.

Safety features and the seat belt saved his life, authorities say

Woods himself was driving an SUV with a Genesis pleasure vehicle and believes he was traveling at high speed before the accident, authorities said. There were no slip marks or other indications of brake, Villanueva added.

Villanueva said the section of road is a downhill descent, and he and Gonzalez said the area is known as a hotspot for speeding and accidents. The accident has had 13 accidents since January last year.

Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff Carlos Gonzalez, who responded to the crash, found that a bright Woods was still strapped into his seat belt but trapped while the SUV rolled on the driver’s side door.

“I do think that the fact that he was wearing a seat belt and that the vehicle safety features worked according to the manufacturer’s design probably led to him reducing his injury, or saving his life,” Chris Cuomo said. , CNN, told CNN.

In the days before his accident, Tiger Woods taught golf to movie and sports stars

The car he was driving also contained a brand new safety platform, a driver of the carmaker told CNN in a statement.

The safety features of the Genesis GV80 include a strong focus on ‘passenger space protection / enhancement’, said Dana White, Chief Communications Officer of Genesis Motor North America. “This includes the use of advanced high-strength steel for rigidity and safety.”

The vehicle is equipped with ten standard airbags, including a “middle airbag unique to Genesis that rolls in between the front seats,” according to White.

While the exterior of the vehicle was destroyed in the crash, the interior damage was of such a nature that Woods was able to survive.

“We have seen accidents with far fewer obvious (damage) fatalities,” Villanueva told CNN.

CNN’s Cheri Mossburg reported from Los Angeles, wrote Madeline Holcombe from Atlanta. CNN’s Eric Levenson, Omar Jimenez, Stella Chan, Steve Almasy, David Close, Kevin Dotson, Rob Hodgetts, Jill Martin, Dan Moriarty, Andy Rose and Paul Vercammen contributed to this report.
