Tiembla TV Azteca! Victoria Ruffo protagonizes television news on TV

Big news the revelation Pepillo Origel in its program ‘Con Permiso’, when announced that Victoria Ruffo, ‘queen of las telenovelas‘, regressa a la pantalla chica de la mano del producer Salvador Mejía.

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And it is that Televisa has decided to give the rating to TV Azteca, because it is not surprising that it is one of the most famous and wanted actresses of Mexican television to participate in an ambitious project called “Corazón Guerrero”.

Actuará junto a César Évora

Agreed with Origel, Victoria Ruffo starred in a new couple with the galan, César Évora, who has an impressive chemistry that he converted into one of the favorite Mexican TV shows.

In the length of his career the actors he shared with the public with intense love stories in the melodramas: “La madrastra”, “Abrázame muy fuerte”, “El triunfo del amor” and “En nombre del amor”.

What is this new story of love?

Según Origel, the story tells with three protagonists. Victoria Ruffo the protagonist will be mad, which includes, will be the mother of the other protagonists.

As for Ruffo’s character, Juan José Origel commented that he was dealing with a woman of humane origin who was selling flowers in a market, so the director imagined that César Évora would see a millionaire love Victoria Ruffo.

The story also coincides with the participation of actors in the story of Sergio Sendel in the Argentine actor, Diego Olivera.

Victoria Ruffo takes on her canas during the pandemic

Cabe mentions that she discovers and changes her image to film, and that during the pandemic, the actress and mother of José Eduardo Derbez is dedicated to disconnecting and entertaining his family.

Pero also has the descent of the strict image that mantenía mientras apéria en pantalla y ha gozado de sus canas que, además, presumió a través de sus sociales.

The actress caused a sensation with her new image with the fact that she said goodbye to the tent and demonstrated that, at the age of 58, she kept the beauty and the things we had in mind.

Without embarrassment, this tone is echoed by our mother in the paper of Maura de la novel ‘Cita a Ciegas’. ¿Usará este mismo look af ‘Corazón Guerrero’?

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