Through his trip to Hawaii, Aislinn Derbez dedicated a moving mail to Kailani

Recipient to receive this 2021 in Hawaii, one of the preferred destinations of Aislinn Derbez, the actress regressed to Los Angeles to meet her little girl Kailani who, during her trip, was taken care of by her dad, Mauricio Ochmann ya que, este año, fue el primero que la expareja paso las festividades separadas. Para Navidad, Kai la paso con su mamá y con los Derbez, mientras que, para el Año Nuevo, the niña disfrutó of the company of his father. While proving to be a bit of a star with the actor, Aislinn hizo his males and enjoy one of the holiday vacations from which he poses for various photos in which we see more than ever. Although the maximum for this escape, echo much de menos a su hija a quien, esta tarde, le dedicó un lindo posta en redes sociales.

Aislinn Derbez and Kailani OchmannVER GALLERY


Following his Instagram account, the primogenesis of Eugenio Derbez posted a couple of photos to his little lady with whom he recently met. The actress accompanies the publication of a sent message in which she has known a little of the maternity leave with which she has decided to create at the age of nine, in February next year, she will celebrate her three years: “Geen podría estar más orgullosa de esta almita que estamos formando nie. Log in with this link to find the freedom to be the same and, at the same time, give amorous and firm limits, it’s all a work of art”, Is located in the first part of this post which has more than 200 miles of Aislinn followers.

Aislinn Derbez and Kailini OchmannVER GALLERY

The actress continues as he is, having had one of his separate days, now, working hard to build the dynamics, in case he is adopted for this new year: “Despuas de unas merecidas vacacions, ayer, regresamos a la routin. Listening to our body, Created new routines, more tranquil, more entertaining, more amorous, that are constantly adapting to what we need.”, Finalizó. In addition to likes, this publication provokes the reaction of various friends of the actress, as Sarah Kohan who wrote it: “Tan hermosa”. Since they are converts to mothers they are very common in exchange messages between them, then count many points of respect with respect to maternity.

Regarding conscientiousness, Aislinn has been sharing a lot of information on its channel of Youtube, The Magic of Chaos, has dedicated several chapters of this podcast to spread about his mom’s paper: “One of the most important goals of life, from my point of view, is to create and liberate any creature or condition, but the big doubt is, what does it really mean to free us?”, wrote the actress, in Mayo pasade, about being topical in that, like her, like Mauricio, is working for her little girl with amorous limits, but respecting his personality, as he has revealed in various occasions.

Mauricio Ochmann and Kailani OchmannVER GALLERY

El Año Nuevo de Kai with his dad

Después de pasar na Navidad con Aislinn y con los Derbez, para recibir el 2021, Kailani disfrutó de la kompañía de su papá, Mauricio Ochmann. A journey of the su cuenta de Instagram, the actor shared various photos of his slides with his wife with whom we would enjoy playing in California: “Life is beautiful, disproportionate while being in it”, the actor wrote a photo to Kailani’s lad, the first of January. In another image, the protagonist of A la Mala, appears to have turned his attention to the islands, while interchangeable with other sounds: “Life is high”, described as a description of this instant in what Kai derrocha ternura. Although the pairing relationship between Aislinn and Mauricio has finally ended, the actors continue to be a team for the creation of Kailani who inherited the sympathy and beauty of both.
