Through four days, Procuraduria concludes interrogation at Argenis Contreras

Santo Domingo, RD.

Concluded the night of these fires the last interrogation against Argenis Contreras in the General Procuration of the Republic (PGR), by the assessor of the cathedral and lawyer Yuniol Ramírez in 2017.

Countermeasures transferred immediately to the court of the Palace of Justice of Ciudad Nueva.

Contreras is the dictation of a preventive prison year as a means of coercion, to be completed in the Center for Correction and Rehabilitation (CCR) of the new Model of Penitentiary Management (MGP) Najayo Hombres.

According to Plutarco Jáquez, the interrogator’s spokesman, the correspondence with the Public Ministry will now carry out the investigations and the summing-up information.

Dijo now hopes that an objective work will be carried out, in which case NGOs will also be included in creating NGOs to provide information through the Ley de Libre Access to Public Information, with the aim of extorting officials.
