Three years ago, Venezuela’s Defense Minister stepped down to allow the expulsion of the FARC to justify

The insolent defense that Padrino has of the FARC

In expressions demonstrating its clear defense of the Colombian Revolutionary Forces (FARC), referring to the presence of this Colombian guerrilla in Venezuelan territory and seeking to justify that this group is irregular, as well as the Liberation Party, Minister of Defense of Venezuela, General and Jefe Vladimir Padrino López, dijo en una declaration al canal Telesur as the governor of the old country do not respect the peace process that firm ex-president Juan Manuel Santos.

The titular castrense manifested many times, internally in the Armored Forces on meeting with the presence of guerrillas in Venezuelan territory including a speech delivered in November 2018 by the ELN Assesino in Amazonas to the three guardians of the National Guard: Alfredo Antonio Zolano Guevara, Robert José Artahona Díaz and José Jean Pierre Martínez Bolívar.

In this opportunity Padrino assured, a troop of soldiers who were cheering and applauding the guerrillas: “Delinquent, drug-addicted, as if we were going to look for him and we were going to leave the country. No ten espacio in Venezuela. Finally, we are here for you. We are for you. Esta sangre derramada no se va a quedar así, vamos’ n verdediger el honor de nuestros soldados, de nuestros guardias nacionales de nuestra Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana. No lo vamos a repetir. Fuera de Venezuela. As the Colombian governess does not want to talk to us, nor the Minister of Defense, nor the Chancellor, we will do what we want to do militarily. We will not renounce the offensive, to the offensive power in order to respect our sovereign, Bolivarian sovereignty ”.

Padrino promised that the war on the guerrillas would not be queried.

But that was in November 2018. Two years later, Luis Felipe Ortega Bernal, alias Garganta, became commander of the Front Domingo Laín Sáenz and the leader of the unit that assists the three Venezuelan militaries, will be free in the ring by the main court Ramo Verde, has not been named by the three National Guard staff officers.

On May 19, 2019 Padrino dijo, despite the fact that the Operational Strategic Command (Ceofanb) captured 4 Colombians with a large amount of heavy weapons: “Venezuela must maintain its military presence on the front; is evident the ineptitude and the fractal of the Colombian governing body in the control of its armed groups, associated with the production and trafficking of drugs, of the Venezuelan people have been victims for decades ”.

El nuevo Padrino

The discourse that the titular castrense había mantenido cambia drasticamente. Notice of the promise to expel the territory to the guerrillas, paramilitaries and criminal gangs to justify the FARC. It is understood that during these years, Padrino’s promise to expel the territory from the irregular groups was completed in a dead word.

In reality, none of the Venezuelan militaries he was assigned to by the Colombian guerrilla had received justice. Many may now listen, with the most recent statement by Padrino López, that Colombia has always had reason to talk to the Venezuelan authorities, which he has tried to demonstrate his sympathy with the Colombian guerrillas.

FARC guerrillas who regress with arms
FARC guerrillas who regress with arms

Padrino says that in Colombia “the Paz Accord is practiced, although the guerrilla groups, the FARC / Ejército del Pueblo decided to integrate the armed forces, the trainees, to start a communal life, a social life in social movements; fueron tras uno, uno tras uno, asesinándolos. Traicionaron el Accuerdo de Paz y traicionaron también a todo su pueblo ”.

The titular castrense pretends to announce that on June 27, 2017, when the FARC will finally have time to integrate the arms, is the most monstrous of the trampolines, no solo for Colombians, also for Venezuela. In reality, only a few steps down from 10 different diversions will take place, but nunca las entregaron todas. Además, the recipient of the money from the Colombian State, founds the FARC political party, curled up in Parliament without voting for them and then, a group of wanted thieves took the guerrillas to the market of the new Marquetalia.

The elite military teen Nicolás Maduro during a military parade (Reuters)
The elite military teen Nicolás Maduro during a military parade (Reuters)

Geen fue gemaklik que la dissidencia de las FARC la lidere Luciano Marín, aka Iván Márquez, who was a bargaining chip for the firm of Acuerdo. Also, 20 of the most relevant commanders of the organization: Hernán Darío Velásquez alias El Paisa, Seuxis Paucias Hernández alias Jesús Santrich, Henry Castellanos alias Romaña, José Manuel Sierra alias Aldinever y José Vicente Lesmes, alias Walter Mendoza.

With the last day that the Venezuelan Minister has the FARC as a victim, it appears that in both Colombia he committed the murder of more than 11 victims of the few anti-personnel acts committed by the FARC, including more than 60 deaths, from the 60 deaths % military and police fueron, the remaining 40% civilian fueron.

The cadavers of the military attacked by the NNN in Amazonas
The cadavers of the military attacked by the NNN in Amazonas

El Acuerdo de Paz, negotiations concluded at the beginning of 2012, terminated with the company of this November, 2016, at the end, in silence and without justice, the digital barrier, to be known by the United Nations, more than 24,576 registered sexual offenses, but with the indication that only 9 women out of 100 will denounce the hecho. Sexual violence is drastically reduced revealing that sexual violence was a war strategy used by the FARC during the conflict.

Tampoco has alluded Padrino to the miles of deaths in childbirth, the FARC’s participation in drug trafficking, the sequel, the assessment, the extraction, which also took place in the Venezuelan territory.

Hoy la guerrilla hace vida in Venezuela. Since one week, the Fuerza Armada Nacional has been involved in FARC accidents in states such as Apure and Amazonas: the ELN extends its territorial control and bargaining bargaining to distinct manuscripts.


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