Three women are integrated into Noticentro’s analyst team

NotiCentro announces that the team of analysts and commentators on its ongoing review will be sharing new voices every month. One of these resources is the licensed Adriana Sánchez Parés, ex secretary of Recreation and Sports in the past quarter, who participates highly in the Estelar Edition.

“This is a great opportunity for the public to know me from another perspective. In addition to my passion for sports, it can integrate into the work of the public service, so it is not the rest of the situations that occur in Iceland and its consequences. I offer my knowledge as a lawyer and my experience in the public and private sector, as a local as well as internationally, in order to analyze topics that have an impact on the country, “said Sanchez, who also litigated the Tribunal for the District of Boston. Simultaneously with this new law, the licensee, who has a mastery in Derecho Deportivo of the University of Real Madrid in Spain, will be Assessor of the Presidency of the Bureau for the International Convention against Doping in the Department of UNESCO. These all contribute to international public policy.

In addition, the licensed Grace Santana Balado, ex secretary of the government, will be integrated. The lawyer, who has more than 20 years of experience, also works as Director of the Public-Private Partnership (APP) and the Infrastructure Finance Authority (AFI). Having occupied key positions in the public service and in the private enterprise, Santana brings a balanced vision in the reflection of the themes that affect us as a people. “It is a privilege to participate in the discussion of public relations and to analyze the impact of governmental governance on our economy and our daily life,” said Santana.

On the other hand, there is the licensed Maria de Lourdes Guzmán, who supported her analysis in previous discussions on NotiCentro. “I am happy and pleased that I am considered to be part of this interesting panel of women, in which I can expose my vision and analysis regarding the situation that will affect our country and bring it to reconstruction”, said the lawyer with more than 35 years of experience, which will contribute to a balanced discussion of topics.

Although his comments and analysis were shared by all of Noticentro’s editions, the three participated in a weekly panel on the same issue with other commenters. The team includes Professor Angel Rosa, licensed Carlos Dalmau, Juan Dalmau, Carlos Mercader and Angel Cintrón, as well as Democrat Democrat Luis Gutiérrez, among others.

“Ended the electoral political process, in Noticentro realineamos nuestro escuadrón de comentaristas, no solo manteniendo nuestras voces más respedadas un privilegeadas como del profesor Ángel Rosa, sino ahoran un un groupe de mujeres respetadas, con Experiencie alia Public debate on the issues that affect all citizens “, commented Rafael Lenín López, Vice President of WAPA Television News.
