three ownership stages of a 2-phase training

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Cardiovascular work can be aerobic or anaerobic, it depends on the intensity with which the exercise is performed. The activity aerobics if it works at a moderate intensity and with an amplitude of time, we are allowed to have normal breathing respiration and include it and its presence of oxygen makes the appearance of the fat sea more difficult, as for example: walk 1 hour to a rhythm a little higher lifted than in one step.

El anaerobic work is more intense and more short in time, his possessions that we are not allowed to have and with a high degree of fatness are realized. This activity should be worked on short intervals and with descents to recover, for example: a 3-minute sprint or a sprint.

From a medical-sports point of view, aerobic work is always important for health, multiple benefits like: Increases pulmonary capacity, increases muscle and osteoporosis, enforces prevention, controls cholesterol, triglycerides or tension, reduces corporeal grass, insulin and glucose balance, etc.

A good aerobic work proposal for women to start physical activity es caminar, que pueden alternar con actividades com montar en bici, nadar o hacer senderismo. If you have a job offer only if you need a sports bag and are ready to feel better:

First phase (4 of 5 weeks)

– Activity: fireplace

– Duration: 45 minutes – 1 hour

– Frequency: 3 days per week – with time increasing to four or five days, depending on the state of the day that it is acquired-.

– Intensidad: moderada-baja, en la que se pueda ser capas de hablar. Remember that the rhythm will be more than one step, but if we lack the oxygen.

Progression 1 (4 to 5 weeks)

– Activity: watch or correct

-Duration: 45 minutes at intervals of 2 minutes correspond to my time and 2 minutes and have up to 30 minutes followed by a clean career.

– Frequency: Between three or four weeks a week.

– Intensidad: moderada-baja, en la que se puada ser capab de hablar, quizá con menos soltura que cuando solo se camina, pero siendo capables de hablar.

Progression 2

– 1:45 minutes of a clean career.

– Day 2: 10 minutes of clean work more than 10 minutes of intervals of one minute of moderate-intensity and one clean. Hay that you have to repeat is a total of 40 minutes owner.

– Day 3: A time with intervals of 5 minutes to drive clean and five minutes to drive in moderate rhythm.

Benefits are not allocated to short term, as well as it’s important not to leave behind the loss, the lack of voluntariness or time, establish a schedule and treat to complete ayuda a conseguir estos objectivos que, sin duda, nos van a reportar burgemeester salud y kalidad de vida.

* Ivan Morales Martín is the founder of Mantente en Forma.
