Thousands march in Nepal to dissolve parliament

The protesters, who say his decision on December 20 was unconstitutional, gathered outside his office despite the coronavirus protests.

Oli says internal disputes and a lack of cooperation from his party paralyzed decision-making and forced him to seek a new popular mandate.

Police in charge of security said at least 10,000 people were on the streets to take part in the march – one of the most intense protests the country has seen since Oli dissolved parliament.

“We tactfully managed the rally of about 10,000 protesters,” said Basanta Bahadur Kunwar, a police spokesperson.

The country’s high court will continue in January to file dozens of petitions against Oli’s political move and his plans to proceed with the parliamentary elections on April 30 and May 10 next year, less than two years before the set date.

“The prime minister has no authority to dissolve parliament under the constitution, so he must reverse his decision immediately,” said 19-year-old student Rajesh Thapa, waving a flag with a red hammer and sickle. a symbol of the ruling Communist Party.
