Thousands in Nepal demand the return of centuries-old monarchy

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) – Riot police in Nepal clashed for hours on Monday with thousands of protesters demanding the return of the monarchy abolished more than a decade ago and the restoration of a Hindu state.

Police found the highway blocked after the prime minister’s office by using batons to beat protesters, who responded by throwing stones and sticks. There were no reports of serious injuries.

It was the latest in a series of protests against the government of Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Oli by a variety of groups, including a faction of his ruling Communist Party.

The unrest, fueled by Oli’s failure to honor an agreement to split his term as prime minister with the ruling party’s co-leader, has boosted distrust in the political system.

The protesters on Monday accused the government of corruption and the use of force against peaceful rallies.

“King, please come back and save our country. We want the monarchy back, abolish the republic, ”the protesters shouted as they waved the country’s flag.

Weeks of street protests in 2006 forced King Gyanendra to relinquish his authoritarian rule and establish democracy. Two years later, a newly elected parliament voted to abolish the monarchy and declare Nepal a republic with a president as head of state.

Since then, Gyanendra has been living in Nepal as a private citizen without power or state protection. He still has support among the people, but he has little chance of coming to power again.

The protesters also demanded that Nepal be declared a Hindu state again. Most Nepalese are Hindus, but shortly after the king’s government ended, parliament also decided to turn the country into a secular state.

Oli became prime minister after his Communist Party in Nepal won elections three years ago. His party and the party of former Mao rebels merged to form a united Communist party before the vote.

However, tensions have risen between Oli and former rebel leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who is co-chair of the combined party. The two had earlier agreed to split the prime minister’s five-year term between them, but Oli refused to let Dahal take over.

Instead, Oli ordered the dissolution of parliament last month and announced new elections later this year.

The dissolution of parliament was protested by the faction of Dahal and by opposition groups.
