Thought detection: AI invaded our last bastion of privacy

Our minds are private – or at least. New breakthroughs in neuroscience and artificial intelligence are changing the assumption, while at the same time raising new questions about ethics, privacy and the horizon of brain / computer interaction.

Research published last week by Queen Mary University in London describes the application of a deep neural network that can determine a person’s emotional state by analyzing wireless signals used like radar. In this study, study participants watched a video while radio signals were sent to them and measured when they bounced back. Analysis of body movements showed ‘hidden’ information about an individual’s heart and breathing rate. From these findings, the algorithm can determine one of four basic emotion types: anger, sadness, joy, and pleasure. The researchers suggested that this work could help manage health and wellness and could be used to perform tasks such as detecting depressive conditions.

Ahsan Noor Khan, a PhD student and first author of the study, said: ‘We now want to investigate how we can use cheap existing systems, such as Wi-Fi routers, to send emotions of a large number of people on. to track. meet, for example in an office or work environment. Among other things, it can be useful for HR departments to assess how new policies introduced in a meeting are received, regardless of what the recipients may say. Outside an office, police can use this technology to watch for emotional changes in a crowd that can lead to violence.

The research team plans to investigate public acceptance and ethical issues regarding the use of this technology. Such concerns would not be surprising and evoke a very Orwellian idea of ​​the ‘thought police’ 1984. In this novel, the idea is that police viewers are skilled at reading people’s faces to express beliefs that have not been approved by the state, even though they have never learned to learn exactly what someone thinks.

This is not the only example of thinking technology on the horizon with dystopian potential. In ‘Crocodile’, an episode of Netflix’s series Black mirror, the program depicted a memory-reading technique used to investigate accidents for insurance purposes. The corroborator uses a square node placed in the temple of a victim, and then displays their memories of an event on the screen. The researcher says the memories: ‘may not be completely accurate and is often emotional. But by collecting a series of reminders from you and any witnesses, we can help create an affirmative picture. ‘

Above: Black mirror, “Crocodile”

If this seems far-fetched, consider that researchers at Kyoto University in Japan have developed a method to “see” people’s minds using an fMRI scanner, which detects changes in blood flow to the brain. Using a neural network, they correlated it with images shown to the individuals and projected the results onto a screen. Although it has not been polished for a long time, it was essentially a reconstruction of what they were thinking. According to one prediction, this technology could be used in the 2040s.

Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) are making steady progress in several areas. In 2016, research at Arizona State University showed that a student wears what looks like a swimming cap that contains nearly 130 sensors connected to a computer to detect the student’s brain waves.

Above: A PhD student from Arizona State University demonstrates a mind-controlled drone flight in 2016.

The student controls the flight of three drones with his mind. With the device he can move the drones by simply thinking directional instructions: up, down, left, right.

Going a few years after 2019 and the head coverings are much more streamlined. Now there are brain drones.

Above: flying drones with your brain in 2019. Source: University of South Florida

In addition to the flight examples, BCIs are being developed for medical applications. MIT researchers have developed a computer interface that can transcribe words that verbalize the user internally but do not actually speak aloud. A portable device with electrode that picks up neuromuscular signals in the jaw and face caused by internal verbalizations, also called subvocalizations. The signals are fed to a neural network that is trained to correlate these signals with specific words. The idea behind this development is to merge humans and machines ‘so that computers, the internet and AI can weave a human personality into a’ second self ‘.’ a synthesizer who would speak the words.

Above: interaction with devices through silent speech. Source: MIT Media Lab

Chip implants will be possible soon

The ultimate BCI may be as suggested by Neuralink, which is owned by Elon Musk. Unlike previous examples, Neuralink promises direct implants in the brain. The short-term goal of Neuralink and others is to build a BCI that can cure a wide range of diseases. In the longer term, Musk has a bigger vision: he believes that this interface will be necessary for humans to keep up with increasingly powerful AI. Just last week, Musk announced that human trials of the implants could begin later this year. He claims the company already has a monkey with a wireless implant in [his] skull with small wires that can play video games with his mind. ”

The progress made in BCI is beginning to match what science fiction authors dreamed of in fiction works. In The Resisters, a new novel by Gish Jen, a “RegiChip” is implanted at birth in everyone who is considered “Surplus”, which means there will be no work for them after the mass automation. Instead, a universal basic income will be issued to them and they will not have to consume, to make the automated economy work at an efficient level. The RegiChip is used, among other things, to track down everyone, their physical location, but also their activities, to complete a supervisory association. Of course, the RegiChip, like all digital technologies, can be hacked.

Cognitive scientists have said that the mind is the software of the brain. Physical software increasingly has the ability to merge and replenish with the human mind. If a BCI performance with AI might already look incredible, it goes without saying that BCI breakthroughs could be really important in the not too distant future. Will the technology be used for positive use cases to cure diseases or for mind control? As with most technology, there will likely be good as well as bad. Software is ready to eat the mind. Our unspoken thoughts remain private for the time being, but this may no longer be true in the near future.

Gary Grossman is the senior director of technology practice at Edelman and world leader of the Edelman AI Center of Excellence.


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