Thomas Markle makes documentary about Meghan Markle

  • Thomas Markle told The Sun that he is working with a cinematographer on a documentary about his life with the estranged daughter Meghan Markle.
  • “We had a great life together, through her first marriage and her move to Canada. Then a new story begins!” Thomas Markle told the newspaper.
  • He added that he hoped it would help to find out what went wrong in his relationship with the Duchess of Sussex. They have not spoken since her royal wedding in 2018.
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Thomas Markle said he’s making a documentary about Meghan Markle – and he hopes it will help find out what went wrong in their relationship.

Thomas, who has not spoken to Meghan and Prince Harry since before their royal wedding in 2018, told The Sun that he is working with a cinematographer and hopes to complete the project later this year.

“It started with my life, my family, my love of theater and television and how I got there. Then I spent my life with Meghan, my school days until she went to university, and then her career began,” he tells Die sun.

“We had a great life through her first marriage and her move to Canada. Then a new story begins! It’s like ‘What happened to my little girl,'” he added.

Thomas earlier opened up about his breakup with his daughter in the Channel 5 documentary “Thomas Markle: My Story”. In the documentary, which aired in the UK in January last year, Thomas admitted that he cried when Prince Charles walked his daughter down the aisle when he could not be there himself.

“It was not edited in the right order, dates were wrong and there were too many general public domain movies added,” Thomas told The Sun of the Channel 5 documentary.

“My documentary will feature some new videos and my favorite photo of my little girl, and we’re trying to figure out what went wrong. I think we’ll do a good job,” he added.

Thomas and Meghan shared contrasting versions of their infamous outburst. In the run-up to the royal wedding, news broke that Thomas had brought paparazzi photos to the stage – something he said he had asked to text his daughter and let her know he would not be attending the wedding and would ask for a public apology.

In the text messages shared by the Duchess’s legal team, Meghan and Harry tried to persuade Thomas not to speak to the press.

“If you like Meg and want to fix it, call me, because there are two other options you do not have to talk to the media, which happened to create this whole situation. Please call me so I can explain. Meg and I is not angry, we just need to talk to you, ‘Harry wrote in one text message.

The Duchess said her father made a public statement through TMZ instead of calling them back or texting to announce that he had had a heart attack. It was the first time the couple had heard of it.

In the Channel 5 documentary, Thomas recalls a telephone conversation with the Duke after the heart attack, in which he claims Harry told him, “If you had listened to me, it would not have happened to you.”

He added that Harry told him that “if I had stayed in the house and kept the door locked and never talked to anyone, it would not have happened.”

“For me, it was a very rude thing to say, especially when he knew I was lying in a hospital bed,” Thomas said.

The Duchess of Sussex is currently complaining to the British newspaper The Mail on Sunday after publishing excerpts from a private letter she wrote to Thomas shortly after the royal wedding.

Thomas said last year that he was prepared to testify against Meghan in court.

“I wish it did not come to this, but I will certainly testify against the things that have been said about me. The lies,” Thomas told The Sun earlier. “If Meghan and I end up in a courtroom together, it’s going to be great for everyone.”

Thomas’ other daughter and Meghan’s half-sister, Samantha Markle, also share her perspective on her relationship with the Duchess in a new book.

In the memoir, “The Diary Of Princess Pushy’s Sister Part 1”, which will be published in the US on February 1, Samantha plans to share the truth about her life and family against all probabilities and ultimatums, while immersing herself in a royal fairy tale. “Sometimes the truth is really stranger than fiction,” according to the online blurb.

Representatives of the Duchess of Sussex declined to comment for Insider.

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