This will be Joe Biden’s position in the EU: five questions and basic answers

Donald Trump's Asunción, and 2016, is a Difference Between Joe Biden's Trends
Donald Trump’s asunción, and 2016, is a difference between the trends of Joe Biden

Washington DC’s preparatory measures and organizational institutions a la gente and no asistir debido a la pandemia. Have virtual events to maintain the spirit of celebration.

Joe Biden will be President of the United States in the mid-January 20th in a reduced position ceremony. Although the key elements will be traditional, many events will be reduced and “reimagined” to better adapt the celebration to a space that lies against the coronavirus. Here is a guide to the day of the event.

How will the position be taken?

Despite many of the virtual serenade events, Maju Varghese, Executive Director of the Toma de Presidential Position Committee, said that the objective is an “inclusive and accessible celebration that is unique and unique to our nation, especially during a difficult moment. for our country ”.

Biden will be adjudicated by the President of the Supreme Court, John G. Roberts Jr. in the Front West of the Capitol antes del mediodía. It is hoped that the new president will deliver his inauguration speech and pass it on to the military tropes, as is tradition.

Peru en lugar del desfile que recorre la Avenida Pennsylvania frente spectadores que vitorean mientras elne presidente, la vicepresidenta y sus familier se dirigen a la Casa Blanca, habra una escolta officiale con representative de toas las ramas del ejerita a lo largo de unu cuadra of the city.

For the remotely spectators, the inaugural committee has planned to call it a virtual parade throughout the country with music, poets and bailarines “who return to the United States heroines in the first lines of the pandemic”.

At 5:30 p.m., Jan. 19, the night before Biden’s trial, the committee will hold an all-inclusive lighting ceremony of the Lincoln Memorial Reflection Pool in memory of the people he lost in the coronavirus pandemic. in the United States.

También had a televised event during the maximum audience on the 20th of January with the participation of celebrities like Tom Hanks, Justin Timberlake and Jon Bon Jovi who had as their objective “to show the resistance, heroism and unified compromise of the united people nation to heal and reconstruct ”.

¿Se espera que haya storings?

During the week, Washington has been preparing for the possibility of manifestations. But the capital of the nation has been alerted to the maximum alert when a violent turbo erupts in the Capitol’s edifice of March 6 and obliges lawmakers to hold the official contents of the Electoral College votes that are to be confirmed victoria de Biden.

Alcaldesa Muriel E. Bowser has announced that the extremists who supported Donald Trump will continue to cause quarrels and have extended the public emergence of the city until the 21st of January.

The FBI and the Secret Service have increased security guards during the detention ceremony. Experts have announced that some extremist extremist groups are discussing a similar approach to the deadly attack on the Capitol.

The stories on the day of the inauguration of ten have precedents: during the Trump in 2017, crowds in Washington will receive tadpoles of tithes, launch pederas in ladrillos to the police agents in front of a limousine and protest the Trump election . It ends with more than 200 arrests.

Will Trump assist the president?

President Trump has announced that he will not be assisting Biden in his job.

Biden says that the decision was “one of the few things in which he and I were in agreement”.

As such, there is a great rupture with the tradition that a president does not assist in the ceremony in the coronation of pais democracy: the pacifist transfer of power.

Vice President Mike Pence will assist, as well as an appraiser on Saturday, though Biden clarifies the fours that were welcome.

Only three presidents have failed in the judiciary of his successor: John Adams in 1801, his wife John Quincy Adams in 1829 in Andrew Johnson, a Democrat who lost the 1869 job title after being replaced by a Republican, Ulysses S. Award.

Who will assist? ¿Yo yo puedo ir?

George W. Bush, has confirmed that she will travel to Washington for the day of the vacancy, along with her ex’s ex-wife Laura Bush. It will also be hoped that Barack Obama and Bill Clinton will assist, along with the expressive ladies Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton. Jimmy Carter, who is 96 years old, has been the mayor’s ex-wife for a long time, announcing that he and his wife will not be assisting. The first presidential position will be the one Carter failed to perform.

Traditionally, the Joint Committee of the Congress for the Tomas de Position ceremony distributes tens of thousands of speeches to the judging ceremony for the members of the Congress to invite its electors, for this year the speeches are not available to him. The organizers are in charge of the people who are at home and participate in the virtual acts of the ceremony to avoid large crowds that can easily propagate the coronavirus.

The events will be broadcast live by the Toma Committee on Presidential Position and by The New York Times.

What is the importance of the presidency?

The Constitutional Requirement requires that the term of office of the President and Vice-President be taken into account in the midst of January 20 of this year following the election. All the presidents have the jurisdiction, and can not assume the cargo without jurisdiction.

Symbolically, the event marks the pacific transfer of power from the current president to the next. The day of the inauguration will be one of the most important this year, as Biden took over the presidency at a time when the political division has organized the democratic institutions of the nation and its predecessor has everything possible to maintain in power. .

The position of the chair is also a noemenswaardige opportunity to raise funds for the incoming president. Although the traditional events like the bailouts have been canceled, the Biden inauguration committee offers a “VIP participation” special to the corporations and the individuals who can use the opportunity to win the favor of the new governor.

The donations can not be transferred to the federal campaigns or the committees of the parties. The previous inaugural committees have donated the funds that the guest does to benefit organizations in case of disaster, as well as to groups dedicated to the decoration and maintenance of the White House and the vice-presidential residence.

Aishvarya Kavi works in the Washington office. @AishvaryaKavi


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