This ‘undeniably strong’ Apex Legend character might be next to get some attention from Respawn •

Top Bites in Apex Legends? I have bad news – developer Respawn says the popular Legend will get some attention in the near future.

For some time, Caustic has been one of the legends on the rankings with which players have rarely spent much quality time, but after recent adjustments and fans, he now boasts the highest win rate in games lasting longer than 20 minutes and starting to dominate matches.

In response to a question in which a player asked himself why Caustic had not yet been knocked down after frequent complaints from players, Respawn’s John Larson, Associate Live Balance Designer, acknowledged that it was a ‘good question’ and agreed that Caustic is now ‘undeniably strong’. .

“Good question. Since the change in gas, teammates have had the opportunity to play gas with relatively no consequences, there has been a lot of unrealized potential that has been quickly exploited over the past few months,” Larson said in a Reddit AMA possession of the weekend.

“Caustic is undeniably strong and has the highest win in matches lasting more than 20 minutes. Caustic plays a unique role as a defensive legend who can act offensive in certain scenarios, and we need to make sure we adapt him in such a way that removes frustration without to harm how it feels to play as Caustic.

“Long story short, we hear the feedback from the community. As a player, I feel it is valid, the data backs up that he is strong, and he will get attention in the near future,” Larson added.

The commentator also suggested that given the launch of new Legend Fuse and the lovers for characters like Caustic, ‘the game feels like it’s starting to move to a type of Overwatch game, where abilities win the battle, not the skill’, which Larson was also happy to discuss.

“As Apex becomes ‘Ability Legends’ as new characters are introduced, it’s important that they occupy a unique design space,” Larson said. “It opens the door to potentially devastating synergies between legend abilities. I’ve seen (and experienced) the cuts of chaotic ability-driven endgame, and it’s something we’re actively working on solving.”

The news comes days after fan-favorite Wraith increased the size of her hitbox. As outlined in season 8 patch notes, Respawn hopes to control Wraith’s power without weakening her abilities, and one way to do that is by changing her hit box.
