This technology enables the benefit of the people working through Artificial Intelligence

The satisfaction of employees has a positive impact on the productivity of companies. Moreover, the absence of related relationships with seniority and stress, and the increase in innovation, is diminished, as “when one encounters well is more creative and has many ways to contribute ideas, so that it is reflected in the results of the companies” .

As explained by Xavi Escales, Founder of Always People First, the Human Resources Specialist Consultant dedicated to helping companies implant plans to increase employee benefits. The expert assures that take care to increase employees’ opportunities to retain and attract talent, in addition to generating a positive return on society.

In order to know exactly the results that the implantation of these plans has, the company has always created PeoplePeopleFirst Technologies (APFtech), the first technology capable of objectively shaping the well-being of people without the use of intelligence. artificial y Machine learning.

A necessary property

There have been many years of work to improve the benefits of companies such as Asic, Escales created in 2018 as its own Human Resources Consultant and since there is no type of technology capable of measuring the results of the implants in the companies.

“The question is a friend who dedicates himself to technological topics with artificial intelligence and if he can mediate in an objective way the emotional situation of a person through technology. In 2018 we will be studying and the 2019 finals we see as possible. The idea of ​​sali here, to be able to mediate the emotional well-being of a person of an objective manner without the need to make tedious inquiries ”.

Three investigators have definite definitions of welfare and will realize their medicines, the societies will agree with the Quirón Salud group, from where they inform that the most reliable in the body to mediate this factor was the variability of cardiac rhythm. “If the rhythm of your 60 pulsations per minute is constant then you are fine. If this rhythm varies, it is said, there is a second pulsation and there is another five, so there is something going on. It’s something we analyze to see if it’s positive or negative, ”Signals Escales said.

How do you help technology?

This is where technology comes into play. The process of retrieving data takes place through the processing of personal devices in the form of belt brackets around the brace that are in addition to the variability of the cardiac frequency, miden other values ​​such as the temperature of the skin or the sanguine pressure.

Tras a week with the device, the algorithm applies procedures of Machine learning to detect and predict individual protectors, personalizing the conclusions. “The device detects alterations in the corporate parameters, because if the user finds himself in a moment of happiness, he hecho deporte or has survived a situation of much stress. From here, the algorithm is learning to establish itself through a positive or negative alteration”.

Once the monitoring is done, the results are analyzed and the software realizes information with specific actions and plans. Users have access to these data at any given time, in the process of a mobile application.

A solution that would only help the business community

The initial idea of ​​Escales was that this solution would serve as an empirical measure as a demonstration of the benefits that have the plans that are being implemented to increase the benefit of employees. “If you want to invest a lot of money in this aspect, you want to get information to see the pen and so on, to make it better.”

To its surprise, the sanitary sector is also interested in this technology. “Now there are two strong pillars in this collection. For a lesson on the topic of humanization of medicine and for another, COVID has accelerated the camp of the eHealth. It’s in the interest of the medical world that we are surprised, ”said the founder.

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In this sense, in addition to tener implanted in companies such as HolaLuz or Laboratories Uriach, too, is developing pilot projects at the Teknon Medical Center and the Pilar Hospital, both located in Barcelona. These are the summaries of the Hospital del Mar, which as an objective realizes a study with APFtech in the department of the UCI in relation to the stressful situation and the fact that the sanitary facilities by COVID are alive, is that this technology “can help prevent”.
