This policy is not prohibited by the extraction of dollars from bank accounts and the sale of USD in Cuba

The Hacemos Cuba television space has invited the Vice President of the Central Bank of Cuba (BCC), Yamile Berra Cires, to address some of the issues of the Tarea Ordenamiento.

Cubano Directorate offers a summary of the agreement with respect to US dollar bank accounts and the sale of USD in Cuba.

Berra Cires has answered various questions about the March of the Order of the Order in Cuba. For its importance, we refer to the above arguments in these questions:

What happened to the USD accounts?

Regarding the USD accounts, the BCC Vice-President has made it clear that “he has not done anything, as he has not done anything with the CUC meetings”.

Explain that “the Ordinance was direct to close the banks of the CUC bank, for all those who are in dollars, with the characteristics that the shark contracted the customer, are maintaining the same manner in which he worked until now ”.

“Geen hooi ningún typo de modification al respecto”, added.

Is it forbidden for Cuban banks to sell USD?

With regard to the latest ban on Cuban banks selling USD, the manifesto states: “No, it is not forbidden. It is not uncommon for us to assume that we will not divide the banks. ”

Berra Cires explains that it has said many times “the banks do not have, until the request, enough divide as to cover the needs or solicitations that specifically have the USD exchange rate”.

Recognize that, including the holders of US dollar bills, they have the “right to solicitation determined extraction of that bill” and quizzes at the moment that they are in the bank, “the bank has ten that it says ‘it can not be high'”.

Refirió que Cuban banks from “observing the behavior of the division of divisions and the availability of divisions that have ten”. If so, they can tell women what they have in dollars that “they come, three days ago, a week”.

Geen hindernis, reiteró: “is not prohibited, neither from the accounts nor from the buyers of the CUP”.


The Vice-President of the Central Bank of Cuba discusses, as the main principles for the division of the country, “the theme of the pandemic that has affected visitors and tourism”.

Moreover, he referred to the “recruitment of the block, particularly intensely on the financial issues that have provoked a restriction on the entry of divisions that we limit the sale”.

The official states that “we have a segment of the minority sale in dollars and thus increase the demand of the population”, but the Cuban banks have failed to maintain the capacity to sell the dollars.

We have recently received information about the official press conference in the island the real value of the dollar is differentiated in the informal market with respect to the tax levied by the authorities in Cuba.

“For now, it’s a secret that the change from 1 to 24, if it’s official, is not applied by Cubans on the floor; o see, in informal market where every unit in MLC is currently quoted in a figure that oscillates between 48 and 50 Cuban pesos and sub “, is reconciled in the periodical Escambray last week.

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