This new crisis in CNE has fifty days of elections in Honduras

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

With the opposition of the National Party having five days to celebrate the primary elections, the National Electoral Council (CNE) decided to print a special cadre for the 500,000 people who would vote in this election.

Ana Paola Hall, adviser to the president of the CNE, presented on March 5 a proposal to include in the electoral ballot papers any additional quadrants, including those who have identified tenderness problems in order to vote for this property.

The initiative has not been approved porke Kelvin Aguirre, Councilor representing the National Party, and the other ten tenants covied, and did not adopt the resolution to resolve the crisis.

LEA: Part of the 12 de la noche de hoy inicia el silencio elections in Honduras

Without embarrassment, even though it was decided by the order of Hall and with the response of Rixi Moncada, it was decided to print the special list in order for the median million voters to run from padrón election pudieran votar.

To know the information, Kilvett Zabdiel Anduray, executive secretary of National Party, said in his Twitter account: “A new electorate has joined the Electoral National Council, on behalf of the representatives of Free and the Liberal Party, which he sent to print an extra quadronillo of voting that was not approved by the plenum, because the same was summoned until Monday (today) at 9:00 am ”.

Kilvett said: “Persisting in this legitimacy and generating a cadre will increase the likelihood of a double and almost sextuplet vote on March 14, the National Party will take legal action. The CNE is a collegiate organ and does not have a walking path ”.

Why is there a census

Rixi Moncada, CNE’s adviser, said that if he did not solve this problem, he would be violating the fundamental right of mid-million-year-olds to own the suffrage.

Some explained that we identify three groups with problems to vote for. The first was a block of 54,000 voters who made people who are currently looking to verify their photo on a data basis. It was a solution, but they did not go inside the listed to own the vote.

Moncada aggregates that in the second group has 100,000 people who can vote to lose their identity card, because they have been registered since December 30th.
In the last block, it is estimated that 1.6 million Honduran cues will be exchanged through the Identified National Register of Persons (RNP) program, 350,000 out of 800 municipalities will be running the electoral district because they will not be called out consejera.

Moncada explained that on February 22 the RNP recognizes its errors, by recommending to the electoral entity that include additional lists with the aim of guaranteeing the right of supragio of the citizens.

Elections for Claves and Consejo Nacional

1. Census

The national census issued by the RNP presents problems with 1.6 million Hondurans and those that were exchanged at the polling station, in addition to inconsistencies to verify the data and the lack of much that has been registered has been since 30 December.

2. Dialogue

The presidency of the CNE proposes the elaboration of a few additional quadrants so that those within the census can own the suffrage. Without embarrassment, three councilors from the CNE, a titular and two-thirds party, also agreed and could not sign the resolution

3. Proposition

The CNE has submitted to the National Congress an initiative to approve an emergency decree in order to integrate the plenum with another mechanism and therefore to resolve five days before the election of the problem that violates the right of owner v.

The CNE’s vocal adviser expressed his support for the initiative Ana Paola Hall, it is time to include the lists dictated by the RNP in the electoral polls.

Other alternatives proposed by the President of the CNE shall be submitted to the National Congress for the purpose of integrating the whole of this body.

Last Sunday, Hall announced that it would be helpful to establish an emergency decree in order for the CNE to integrate a plenum with another mechanism.

Cuadernillos, the solution

Augusto Aguilar, expresidente del antiguo Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE), considered as the solution of the los cuadernillos o listados adicionales es saludable.

The ex-magistrate stated that the impeachment of five of the elections was unprecedented, because in general the problems were resolved through consensus and analysis by the councilors.

“I believe that the proposal is salutable, the double vote is not as dramatic as it is thought, and there are mechanisms such as the indistinguishable ink to prevent a person from voting for the same day of elections”, dijo Aguilar.

He also warned that by not resolving this issue he would have enormous abstinence, that he would have been warned of the pandemic and the economic situation, but that he would be mayor, since the lack of confidence would increase and he would have a sense of advertising impregnations after the elections.

The ex-president of the TSE, also signaled that the mayor is responsible for the problem in the form in which the Registry operates, and that since the initiative he has raised a small amount of money, a situation that is impossible, “because identify a country with the problem of the failures and those that live in the exterior can not be done in months, so last for months two years ”, commented.

In addition, the institution records that the RNP is proportionate to the information to which the electoral body updates the report, but if the information provided by an initiative has any problems, the CNE will not be able to carry out any good debriefing.

For another lad, Roberto Herrera Cáceres, extitular del Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (Conadeh), vermaan a los consejeros del CNE ‘n resolver en las proximas horas la emergencia o crisis actual que estâ generando incetidumbre und desconfianza la la poblción.

Herrera recommends that more than one of the party positions, the titular persons of the electoral state organs should guard respect and assessment at the State of Derecho.
“Deben subordinates to the authority of the Constitution and the laws,” Herrera Cáceres pointed out.

Cohep and TJE firm agree to promote democracy

TEGUCIGALPA. The Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (Cohep) and the Electoral Tribunal (TJE) have issued a memorandum of understanding to contribute to the promotion of democracy in the country.
Juan Carlos Sikaffy, President of the Cohep, said that with the company looking to restore the confidence of the people in the institutions, the country has had many years of problems with political instability. This has provoked an impact on the life of the Honduran people and the private sector.
Sikaffy expresses that he hopes that the elections of the domingo will be transparent, clear, crippling, just and devoid of the confidence of the institutions.
Gaudy Bustillo, M.Sc.
The agreement allows for the exchange of information and cooperation in training processes for the older sectors.
The magistrate of the TJE motivated the public to support the primary elections that are celebrating the next domino.
