This is the reaction of Eugenio Derbez’s heifers, to enter that we will adopt new “heifers” | EL IMPARCIAL

MEXICO CITY.- The Derbez Family has been reconciled by its union and without hesitation by the incredible scenes of comedy that resonate in social speeches, but on this occasion all the provocation “conflict”.

Have a look at what Eugenio Derbez has been doing since the news of the adoption of the new “heifers” in one of the series’ TacTok series.

He also comedian pissed off to his fanatics who nominated his TikTokers favorites for recollection that he did not import the number of followers and no talent that could offer one, so he called and shared a video on which he gave the reasons debieran ser adopados.

Ante this notice his husbands Aislinn, José Eduardo and Vadhir did not quedaron brazos cruzados y le hicieron llegar a su padre sus “quejas” ante is a new decision that tomo for the family.

Following Eugenio’s Instagram account, he shared a video on which he clearly states that, before anyone does, it is necessary to first adopt them.

If it is important to take the adoption of an otro fulano, it does not adopt any primero “dijo Aislinn.

Before the negation of his father, José Eduardo Derbez proposed to help his mother, Victoria Ruffo, who apparently gave the patria potestad to his father.

And it’s what they are looking for, they want to “get” from the comedian’s hives, in order to have the vuelva adopt, the three will show their “cellos” and make it clear in the video.

Ate the security of his hives, Eugenio prefers to sell scenes between giants and make them hiccup what he creates most conveniently.

In a matter of minutes the superb grab 160 miles is seen by its followers who hiccup read more comments, some of them manifest their love and love for the family, while others approve of Eugenio Derbe’s attention.

In this note
