This is the price of the Reina Isabel II anti-aging cream

During the 70 years of his reign, Queen Isabel II was characterized by being one of the members of the British realm that was less than the day before.

Although it is obvious that living among great privileges does not involve the opulence and extravagance of the famous expression “live like a queen”.

De hecho, a pesar de ser la reina más longeva de la historia y tener ya 94 años de edad, sus hábitos para mantener una Magnífica salud y physísa forma son son nada del otro mundo.

Asi lo aseguró el expert on monarchies Bryan Kozlowski in his new book ‘Larga vida a la Reina: 23 rules to live as the monarch reins most of Britain’s.

In keeping with its beauty ritual, the author claims that the monarchy does not use make-up and uses creams that are not caricatured, such as products from the British company Cyclax or the hydrator Milk of Roses.

It is said that he prefers to maintain austerity as long as he has skin care and so much less that the rest of the members of the realm.

Hecho, the moisturizing anti-depressant cream that is used for diarrhea has a cost of less than 5 euros, 6 US dollars, approximately. It is also possible to find online at prices ranging from 1.50 euros to 14 euros.

It is a product of Cyclax, enriched with vitamin E, made for body and cara. Photo: Amazon

It is a product of Cyclax, enriched with vitamin E, made for body and cara. The cream, which is absorbed with ease in order not to tarnish the skin, is suitable for all types of hair and has an antioxidant formula.

It is stored in a container of 300 milliliters and has nutritional properties that prevent premature digestion of the epidermis and maintain the clean, firm and sinus skin.

In his description can be learned: “a moisturizing regenerating cream for general use, also ideal as a make-up base. This cream does not absorb the skin when it is used daily ”.

Other habitats of Queen Reina Isabel II

In an interview with ‘New York Post’, Kozlowski reconciles that the queen “It is incredibly well believed and is the paradigm of health and well-being”.

Felipe de Edimburgo’s wife also had a case in point during diary fast food companies together with their dogs corgi y passes a caballo. También se ha mantenido alejada del sol durante decades, lo cual ha ayudado a que su piel luzca fenomenal.

As for its dietary habits, the signal expert that the monarch prefers uncompromising comedies. Hecho, his favorite foods consist of tea with sandwiches and breads.

También toma hasta cuatro bebidas alcoholic al día. His preferences are: Ginebra, Champagne and Martini.

It is in good physical condition that, on the 9th of January, a gatekeeper from Buckingham Palace reported that she and the Duke of Edimburg had received their vehicles against the covid-19.

Kozlowski’s author predicts that Isabel II will live longer than his mother, Isabel Bowes-Lyon, who died in the year 101 in 2002.


  • Reina Isabel II
  • Monarchy
  • Rituals
  • Health
  • Health habits
