This is the only place in the White House that the first dogs are not allowed


Like most pets, first dogs Champ and Major Biden is probably hard to say no with the puppy of the puppy. But if you call the White House home, it must be there some rules. While president Joe Biden and first lady Jill BidenEdD, said there are not too many restrictions on the little ones in a recent interview; there is one place in the White House that has made it clear to them that they are not allowed to go. To see what place these little ones can not find, read further and for more precious pets, go look at 50 adorable puppy photos that will put a smile on your face.

Jill Biden with Major and Champion
Animal Planet via Flotus / Instagram

During an exclusive interview with People, the president said Champ and Major, who are both German shepherds, behave very well, so they have only one rule – they may not be allowed on the furniture, including beds and couches. But the dogs walk the rest of the house along with the spacious front yard.

During another recent interview for The Kelly Clarkson Show, the first lady introduced host Kelly Clarkson to Major and Champ in the White House. While talking about how dogs should not be allowed on the furniture, the first lady admits that although they are usually very obedient, she recently caught Major on the couch – but he quickly jumped off as soon as she saw him. And subscribe to our daily newsletter for more current news sent directly to your inbox.

Champ and Major Biden

The president acknowledged People that when his granddaughters spend the night, the dogs tend to turn on the beds, especially Major, who is younger and looks a little more inconsiderate. “He sneaks in. He jumps on the bed with them, ” the president said. And for more regular updates of Best life, go on for our daily newsletter.

First dogs
NBC / YouTube

The president said both little ones were trained from the start. “Champ is old, he’s 14 years old, and he was exceptionally well trained by the Canine Corps, and he thinks he’s secret service, but Major, who’s a big, small puppy, is about a year and a half old , “he told People. And if you’re a dog lover, you can visit the 50 most popular dog breeds in America

Major Biden
flotus / Instagram

According to Insider, thirty-one out of 46 presidents had dogs in the White House. Major, however, is the first rescue dog to go live at the famous house.

Major was rescued from the Delaware Humane Association (DHA) in November 2018. He comes from a litter of six German Shepard pups that were brought to the shelter after being exposed to something toxic in their home, according to a DHA message on Facebook. First Daughter Ashley Biden NPR reports that the mail was sent to her parents, who were looking for a companion for Champ when he grew older. And the rest, as they say, is the history of the White House. For more information on another personality rescue, check out Jennifer Aniston’s Adorable New Rescue Puppy has the Classiest Name.
