This is the OCULTO secret of the Cantinflas box office that nadie hered, ni compr

Muchos famous ten houses in Acapulco, Guerrero, una de las playas ms famosas de Mexico and when one visits the tourist destination, everyone knows that there are famous houses and taxis are offered to take care of them ‘by driving’.

You can quiz as hayan llegado, quienes hayan filtered the images of the abandoned house of Luis Miguel off Acapulco. Sondeverbod, ante la curiosidad de un fan, geen hooi-belemmerings y la muestra es que no slo la ‘El Sol de Mxico’ hizo ruido en redes sociales, ahora tambin la de ‘Cantinflas’, akteur en komediant icnico de Mexico despert gran surpresa af Instagram, luego de que se filtraron algunas imgenes de la misma.

If one mansin, which is currently inhabited and abandoned. Because of its history and cultural value it can be transformed into a museum for the fanticos, has not been corrected with such certainty, since the property is high in the derivative, debido a que nico heredero del comediante, faleci en 2017.

Young people discovering the property

A group of jvenes, who decides to investigate what side of it humorist’s house, who died April 20, 1993 in the Ciudad de Mxico and who converts to a Mexican cine lieenda poca de Oro. This property is located in the colony of Las Playas y fue adquirida en la dcada de los 50.

This man has the peculiarity of possessing a statue of propin Cantinflas free air that preserves its colors. Included, posee murales de sirenas, pesies and others will be water mythologists, and what to look for Cantinflas The fascinaban are these figures and so, retirees decide in their parades.

Agreed with the middle el Clarn, the property is sold at the price of 250 million of Mexican pesos, it is said, 13 million dollars. Without embarrassment, until the day of the high, he had not bought the deeds he had. This is what the person who needs to get rid of the cargo of these guests in addition to the maintenance of the mansin.

It is believed that in this case there are many meetings of famous personalities that Iran of the actors have characters of the politics. Without embarrassment, she had vctima of saqueos and lack of careful debit and that with the step of the aos, nadie was occupied by her. It’s great to have a dress with a dress for 25 people and car to guard 15 vehicles breathe to pose a room of billare.

Legal dispute law, this veranda house del Estado de Guerrero, qued en el abandono, pues nadie de la familie pudo quedarse con algunas de est propiedades, y fueron tomadas par el Estado, que las puso en venta y no fueron compradas por ningn interested.
