This is the “absurd” cost of a commercial Habana-Miami airline ticket

The Cuban bolsillo is each more affected, and is in agreement with the correspondence of CNN of Cuba, Patrick Oppmann, a ballot for a commercial, ida y vuelta, from La Habana to Miami, costs 891 dollars.

The figure rises to think that a charter flight was taken to Cuba, but it is not, as far as it is concerned that commercial airlines are taking part in a mid-term pandemic.

“$ 1,891 to fly ida y vuelta en el vuelo estadounidense una vez a la semana des La Habana a Miami (cabina principal)”. The reporter affirms that there is a cobra burning at 8.29 dollars per mile recorded.

Oppmann’s post on Twitter followed his curiosity about his followers and the indignation of Cubans, indicating that they had “absurdly” the cost of the ball from La Habana to Miami, debited in the search.

“Loco! It was first flown directly to La Habana from the east coast, at the Los Angeles Airport, in December 2015, and cost $ 250 million. Do you want to increase the prices of gasoline or codic? ”, Uses Kirk Webster.

Another company that once offered a flight from Miami to Cuba for 550 dollars without equipment included, the “demasiado” parachute, but to see this new price, all the paroch simply “indignant”.

A user identified as Camilo Hernández, posted the cost of a passage, ida y vuelta, from Los Angeles, California,’n Miami, in first class, with a total of 984 dollars, which is a few dollars less and the distance is longer .
