This is Mother Vs. Sun in Britain’s most expensive divorce war

For the United Kingdom, the influx of Russian capital – and capital from the super-rich into other parts of the world – has taken off. Property prices and tax coffers were filled, and a mini-industry of accountants, lawyers, and advisers sprang up, all of which helped these emigrants navigate the tax codes and buy large ticket items, such as soccer teams.

This reciprocal relationship had its hiccups, and the divorce of Akhmedov is one of them. Mr. Akhmedov, a native of Azerbaijan, earned an estimated $ 1.4 billion through a Siberian energy company, Northgas, and he had long intended to enjoy his wealth.

In addition to mansions, a private jet, helicopters and masterpieces by artists such as Rothko and Warhol, he bought a $ 500 million yacht, the Luna, from his fellow oligarch Roman Abramovich. It’s 380-foot floating luxury, with nine decks, seating for 18 guests, a crew of 50 and – just in case a missile tracking system and bomb-proof doors.

Allegations of infidelity by both husband and wife led to divorce, but Mr. Akhmedov refused to even send a lawyer to the 2016 proceedings, arguing that the couple had already divorced. A Moscow court has dissolved the marriage in 2000, he said.

Judge Charles Haddon-Cave, who oversaw the trial, was not impressed. He described the documents supporting the divorce in Moscow as “forged”. When Ms Akhmedova could not collect more than a little of her record for recording, the judge ordered her ex-husband to give her his hunt. He refused.

Akhmedova then signed with Burford Capital, a million-dollar listed financial firm that endorsed millions of legal costs for her lawyers and provided her with millions of living expenses. The company will reportedly cut a 30 percent savings on any story, plus a multiple of legal costs.
