This is bad for Samsung Galaxy, and even worse for Google Pixel


Where is the love? It may not be in the area.

Few people are regularly changing cell phone brands these days?

more technically wrong

You get involved with one or another ecosystem and – on Android – with a specific brand within the ecosystem. Then you upgrade to the next, even bigger one of those that come along.

However, I wonder if those on the Android side are getting a little bored.

Please put down the spikey implement, you have committed Galaxists and Pixelites, and observe these findings from a survey among 5000 of your fellow citizens.

This survey was conducted by the SellCell phone market and has yielded alarming results.

Some may focus on the most obvious. Apple owners’ brand loyalty has risen to a record 92% – 1.5 points higher. Meanwhile, the loyalty of Samsung owners fell by 11.7% to reach 74%.

If more than a quarter of your customers want to buy the phone from another brand, you may have a problem. This can simply be an image problem. Somehow, Samsung has been a bit unfocused over the past few years.

However, could it also be fair to point out that the company’s telephone output – the fascinating fold aside – is quite lacking?

The phones come on, they get a bit of publicity and they seem to drift away without capturing too much imagination. Meanwhile, Apple’s aggressive product strategy with its iPhones has brought tangible design changes and a slightly unreasonable level of loyalty.

I’m not one to push the daggers deeper if they’re already embedded in locks, but 53% of these Samsung survivors admitted that they’ll switch to an iPhone the next time they upgrade their phone.

This suggests that it’s much easier to switch from a Samsung phone to an iPhone than the other way around, or that Apple did quite a few things well, while Samsung did not. Or both. This certainly indicates that the Galaxy series does not make everyone happy.

Let’s focus on one of the things Apple has done well. You see, the biggest reason Samsung users defected why they would switch to another brand was not that their phones were faulty or even bored. Instead, they pointed to the other brand that offers ‘better privacy protection’.

And which company has privacy most attached to its bosom, if not Apple?

If Samsung is worried about its phones, you should consider Google and its Pixels. Samsung may have lost 11.7 points of loyalty, but Pixel lost 18.8. Now 35% of Pixel owners say they are going elsewhere.

If you told any CMO, in almost any category, that 35% of their customers were planning to dump their brand, the connection would make way for heart palpitations, which would resign.

I admit that I am a little surprised. Somehow, Google’s understanding of phone marketing – and all the attendant nuances – is still lacking.

Even when the company makes excellent Pixels – and it did – it releases them in a half-hearted way, as if they are better things to think about. (And some believe that Google has a lot of things to think about.)

Yet one should always be at least skeptical about recordings and especially what people say in them. People cannot be trusted often.

If you feel like giving hope to Google’s Pixel marketers, tell them that 24% of Samsung’s defectors said they’ll get a Pixel.

If, on the other hand, you were tempted to make Samsung and Google’s marketers even gloomier, they remind you that 89% of teens say their next phone will be an iPhone.

Oh, if only Samsung could create a cheap, beautiful folding phone. Now it can help.
