This IRS credit can be up to $ 3,600 this year: we can explain how to help | Univision Diner News

The aid package — approved by the Senate and hoped to be voted on this week in the Chamber of Deputies — will significantly increase the tributary credit that can be received by each dependent. The eligible receipts, to be approved, have a credit of $ 3,600 for each year of age and $ 3,000 for those between 16 and 16 years.

This credit, known in English as Child tax credit (CTC), ‘potential’ will be the only winner this year under the Joe Biden Rescate Estadounidense Plan. Although it is a temporary medium, experts have estimated that aid will increase poverty to around 4.1 million. It is an argument that both Democrats and Democrats are pushing to expand permanently.

The plan in this regard for this credit includes other conditions that also offer alivio to hogares that otherwise will not be elaborate, as paradoxically the poor families who have at the moment not complied with the need to have a full meal (earnings income) from at least $ 2,500 a year.

Debide to this scenario, the experts of Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, a progressive court center, consider that the credit must be paid to all nines, salvo to those who belong to high-income groups.

“Approximately 27 million nines, including at the meeting of the afroestadounidenses and latinos nines and a portion similar to nines in rural areas, received less than the maximum credit currently at the height of $ 2,000 because his parents are very small”, explains in his report. “Poverty will increase to 4.1 million nines, recording the number of poor nests by more than 40%. También will increase extreme poverty to 1.1 million nines. In particular, black and Hispanic nines will benefit, to women. the actual credit shall be given by means of disproportionate forms “, aggregate.

In continuation, we respond to the main questions and answers about this credit:

