This girdle implies a peor health cardiac, including with ejaculation

Poco a poco se desmitificado la créncia que asocia la gordura with the good health; without embarrassment, a recent study ended up destroying any related idea, finding out what to do owner regularly, the negative effects of it are eliminated excess weight corporal about the salud del corazón.

This is the main conclusion of a work that publishes your review European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, de la SEuropean University of Cardiology.

The investigation refutes the idea of ​​a life style physically active can cancel completely night effects of sobriety and the obesity, explains Alejandro Lucía, de la European University of Madrid, quien subraya: “Can not be a belt, but healthy“.

The studio used data from 527 mil 662 trabajadores in Spain, with a media ed of 42 years and with 32 per cent of women.

The participants are classified in normal weight (with a corporate mass index of 20-24.9), sobrepeso (25-29.9) and obesity (30 or superior).

Además, se agruparon por activity level: regularly actives, defined as those that have the minimum recommended for adults by the World Health Organization; insufficient assets (some physical activity of moderate to vigorous every week, but less than the minimum of the OMS); e inactive (without ownership).

La cardiovascular health is determined by the three principal ones entry risk factors: la diabetes, el elevated cholesterol and the arterial hypertension.

Approximately 41 per cent of participants have a normal weight, 41 per cent overweight and 18 per cent of obese persons. The Mayor is inactive (63.5 per cent), while 12.3 per cent are insufficiently active and 24.2 per cent are regularly active.

30 per cent has high cholesterol, 15 per cent has arterial tension elevated and 3 per cent has diabetes, explains a communication from the European Society of Cardiology, which details the investigators studying the associations between each corporal mass index (IMC) and activity and the three risk factors.

In all of them IMC levels, any activity (Independent of which complements or not the minimum of the OMS) established relationship with a lower probability of padecer diabetes, arterial hypertension o cholesterol alt, in comparison with the ownership of ownership.

“It is our knowledge that everyone, independently of their corporate weight, must be physically active to save their health,” said Lucía.

In all the weights, the probabilities of diabetes and hypertension disseminated and mediated that the physical activity: more activity is better, so wait 30 minutes for day is better than wait 15.

Prohibition of probes, the participants with sobrepeso y obesity presentaban un mayor riesgo cardiovascular que sus compañeros con peso normale, onafhanklikheid van die los niveles de actividad.

For example, in comparison with the inactive individuals de normal weight, los active obesity tenian approximately the double of the probabilities of tener el cholesterol alt, four times more likely to suffer from diabetes and five times more to lower the arterial tension.

“The owner does not have to compensate for the negative effects of the excess weight”, concludes this investigator, who signals that the hallucinations are generally observed in men and women.

For Lucia, “la lucha contra la obesidad and inactivity is equally important; should be a joint battle. The weight loss must be followed by a primary objective of sanitary policies, together with the promotion of active asset styles “.

