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OPEP + Country Mayor opone to increase offer in February

(Bloomberg) – The majority of the members of the OPEP +, including Saudi Arabia, are opposing the renewal of oil production next month, but Russia is proposing the maximum increase allowed by the group’s agreement, delegates said. Opinion between the de facto leaders of the OPEP + suggests another complicated act of balancing for the group of producers, in order to avoid the excess of offer in a fragile market and, at the same time, satisfy the desire of many members to sell more crude.The Saudi Minister of Energy, the Abdulaziz bin Salman principle, who has permanently tried to maintain a strict control of the offer, sent the risks to the petroleum market. A new batch of coronavirus has infected the most economical giants, including when the delivery of vacancies has boosted the prices, dijo. “The risk of being seen as an aguafistas in the process, who will be in the precaution”, abdulaziz principle at the beginning of the group video conference. “The new variant of the virus is a prejudicial and unpredictable precedent”. The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Alexander Novak, did not give any public signal about his position, and said that the establishment market in a “more salutary condition”, also advises Futuras incetidumbres ”. As a matter of fact, on the other hand, the delegates said that they would reiterate their position that the Alliance should increase the offer to 500,000 barrels per day in the next month, equaling the increase in income. Argelia, Nigeria, Oman and Emirates United Arab Emirates were in favor of maintaining the offer in February, the delegates, who will be trusted, will not be identified by a private meeting. Enfoque cautelosoThe Organization of Petroleum Exporters and its allies currently maintain 7.2 million barrels per day inactive, global summit, and plan to increase production by 1.5 million barrels per day in quotes of no more than 500,000 barrels in the next months.The group has adopted a cautious approach, and in December agreed to meet all the months, to lie down only a few years ago, to define the levels of production with the mayor precision and to prevent the recovery which will take place in 2020. The talks will take place within a panel of ministers that will oversee the OPEP + agreement, concluding the remarks without a policy recommendation, giving the decision to the meeting of any group that is celebrating at the moment. Other prominent alliances of the alliance are echoing the precedent of the Abdulaziz principle. “I have been careful with the repercussions of the second or the pandemic,” the Koeweit State Attorney’s Office said on Monday, citing a statement from Petroleum Minister Mohammed Alfares. The Secretary General of the OPEP, Mohammad Barkindo, said in the preparatory meeting of the Domingo that “todavía hay muchos riesgos a la baja que hay que balancear” .Nota Original: Most OPEC + Nations Oppose February Supply Hike, Russia in Favor vooruit met die most reliable business news source. © 2021 Bloomberg LP
