This bot turns Reddit drama in the face of Ace lawyer

Drama is no stranger to Reddit, as many of you all know. And while more than a fewe joked or giggled about Reddit arguments exploding or taking strange turns, there is now a new way to check what is happening in the comments.

Micah Price, a software engineer from Cape Town, South Africa, on Sunday revealed a genius bot turning Reddit arguments into scenes of Ace Attorney, the Capcom series ia lawyer Phoenix Wright fights to get his clients off the hook by using his investigative asecond courtroom skills, Mashable reported. The video arguments come with the dramatic music and the famous “Objection!” slogan. The results are amusing, hilarious, and honestly sometimes do not makee sin. Of course there are some who do this elicits a terrified ‘oh God’ when you see what people are arguing about.

In an interview with Mashable, Price said he got the idea from other video-based videos of the game on YouTube.

“The dramatic music is great,” Price said, especially for the melodramatic debates over Reddit. “

According to the video about the bot Price posted on YouTube, the bot searches for the most common users in the comment chain and then runs all the comments in their chain. A Neural network dan blrepeat to see if the tone of the comment is negative or positive. If the comment is considered negative, it will evoke an ‘objection’. Meanwhile, a comment that is considered positive will elicit a happy expression. The bot, which takes about 10 minutes to respond, will then make a video based on the comment and send it to the user in a link on Reddit.

You can watch a preview video of the bot below.

Now to the big question in everyone’s mind: Can you use it? The bot can be used by anyone on Reddit who ‘! Objectionbot ‘of’! Type Objection-bot ‘in the comments. However, there is one catch: the subreddit in which you place it should appear in the supported subledits bot list, which you can see here. If your sub-editor preference for arguments is not on the list, Price makes suggestions on which to add.

The bot took about three days to make, Price said, and adds that he used Python as well as computer vision and machine learning libraries in the development. It is open source and can be found on GitHub. Shortly after its launch, the bot was ‘uber buggy’, he said. In fact, according to the user page of the bot, u / objection bot, it broke a few hours when Price went to bed. However, he later corrected it and the bot reports that it is, “going on for the first time.”

You can watch the videos of the arguments – some of which contain about the Emoji Movie, the laws that would exist if Pokémon was real, and the developer of Cyberpunk 2077—The bot has on its user page.
