They are still T-BAR and MACE

When Braun Strowman and Drew McIntyre ripped the RETIREMENT masks off T-BAR and MACE’s heads last night (April 19) Raw, there was a hope that WWE would also drop the beautiful names and could only be Dominik Dijakovic and Dio Maddin.

If a dropout interview is an indication … not yet.

Now T-BAR and MACE actually call themselves nothing in that video, so maybe more will be revealed. However, WWE is still intensifying its withdrawals.

I’m just glad that their promotions are not just those that mention animal names, as they were in the program. Whoever wrote this should be unmasked if you know what I mean.

The guys have not changed their Twitter handles yet either (they change their screen names regularly, so we can not take anything out of it. At least their tweet game remains entertaining …

And at least they didn’t go down without explaining themselves first.
