These foods are included in your diet and diet

Lots of ‘saludable’ foods that we consume daily, thinking that we have the best choices for our diet adds kilos more, nos hacen engordar y, además, aceleran el envejecimiento. For this, as many as want to climb, pianos of veces if they want to maintain an optimal corporal weight and gain health.

Ponemo’s, as an example, the classic orange juice. We take it upon ourselves to think that it’s the best way to do it. And if we say to ourselves that we are having a lot of refreshment, we will have this person thinking that he is completely confused. But there is no such thing. And any nutritionist will insist on taking the fruit, to avoid the sugar free orange juice. One more error. The cereals of the desayuno. We put the pills and we clean our weight. O eso nos dicen. Tampoco is all cute, it’s something to talk about foods with a lot of sugar, that pierden is part of the nutritional properties that tendrian the cereals are manipulative. To be clearer than what we are eating we want to be more healthy, and what we need to say, we deal with the nutritionists of Nutritionist Andrea Báguena and Andrea Hernan Gómez. They help us to improve our diet. We will continue with one of the major mistakes of our diet: the ‘light’ foods that will help to reduce them.

– Leer también: Foods that you can help combat the hambre

Ojo with the products ‘lig’

We need to keep in mind that there are foods that are processed that we take on the day we think our salutations because we sell them confused words like ‘light’ or ‘with fewer calories’. These foods, which are consumed without discrimination, can cause a problem and an increase in obesity and we have the false idea that “as it is light, noble gas”.

A productive light, which means that it is less than a menu of 30% of the product’s original, pero, which is most important for sea bajo and calories? ¿On bollo industrial light is salable? Do we open the store for its abusive or continuous consumption? We must always choose natural foods: always have a biscuit in the house will be better and we will check its ingredients and quantities. In addition, learn the etiquette of foods that will make our choices better! The consumption of light products of abusive form, however, will increase the calories of our diet casi sin darnos cuente.

– Leer también: 8 healthy foods that deberías include in your cesta de la compra
